Normally, I don't really like Sarah Silverman. For one thing, she looks WAY too much like me (except my nose is smaller), which is confusing for a lot of people... For another thing, her show, upon reviewing, is NOT very funny. It has it's moments, but overall...she should have stopped at the Aristocrats. But anyway, I thought I would share this with you, even though I don't have many Jewish friends whose grandparents live in Florida.
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If my g-ma wasn't already a raging liberal who hates republicans with a flaming passion, and if she lived in Florida, I would definitely go convince her to vote Obama. But luckily she is pro-Obama (even though she sometimes calls him Barack-a because she forgot his name) and she can still drive herself to her polling place and she does NOT live in Florida, which I thank her for in my heart because Florida finally surpassed New Jersey in being the armpit of America. Maybe even the stinky butthole of America.