Big Day

Jul 06, 2005 23:35

Alright, here's an actual update...not like earlier. I worked today and the kids were back; today was the first day of the summer program. It was ok. I'm in the class with Tina and Rich (the guy I don't like). Rich's goal this summer is to make me tell him to "shut the hell up" in front of the kids. He is such a bad teacher. He's like 45, get a fucking life. But the scary kid, Timmy, told me he likes me now (a little less scary). Not too bad for day one. Tomorrow is totally the last day of week one, too. Cause we're awesome and have 3 day weekends every week!!!

Anyway, moving tomorrow. I'm excited. A little nervous that I'll forget to take stuff I need and be stuck wating til Monday and have to drive here for it or whatever, but it can't be too bad. I went shopping yesterday and got SOOO much stuff. Well, not as much stuff as spent soo much money. But, still, lots of shopping. I'm mostly excited to live with Aurora again, hahaha. I miss my baby. Chad'll be ok too, I guess (kidding).

That's about all in my world. I won't have internet or electricity for that matter until at least Friday. Internet (and cable, eek!) on Saturday. So, I'm gone for a lil while. Adios! Thanks for the encouragement Court and Amanda!

Ten years ago, I:
1. got my puppy Sadie
2. didn't wear my glasses, and now kinda regret it
3. loved the X-Files (and still do)

Five years ago, I:
1. visited about 7 million colleges
2. worked at Target, we would be opening the store right about now
3. had a crush on Evan the Assets Protection guy at Target, haha (acid protection) you guys remember that?

One year ago, I:
1. moved into 1 South Duke St., the most ghetto house in Millersville
2. worked as a family counselor, child restrainer and wellness center student manager all in the same week
3. Went to Boston with some of my best friends

So far this year, I:
1. graduated undergrad and survived grad apps
2. bought a house (well, helped to at least)
3. went to 4 out of my 6 weddings this summer

Yesterday, I:
1. spent about $200 on stuff for the house
2. packed the shit outta my room
3. started the summer program at Opportunities (staff inservice)

Today, I:
1. started the summer program with actual kids
2. bought new toilet seats and continued/finished packing
3. took an awesome nap (my last for a while) and went to dinner with the folks, oh and saw Kelly Monaco win Dancing with the Stars (I used to watch Port Charles)

Tomorrow, I will:
1. End week one of the summer program (best week ever)
2. pack up my car
3. MOVE!!!

In one year, I will:
1. be working, somewhere, doing something
2. Be in grad school, hopefully in the PsyD program at that point
3. be living in a house that is newly painted, hopefully

In five years, I will:
1. Be married, or single...ahem
2. be childless
3. have my PsyD (or be incredibly close)

By the by: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in 9 days!!!(and 3 minutes) I can't wait!
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