Jan 29, 2008 15:39
Out of the nut house.
Writing reports.
Feeling lazy, uninspired, and generally like napping all day.
Interestingly, David didnt even realise he had referred me to the DBT program. He doesnt want to lock me into 12 months of being "a professional psychiatric patient" and he is not sure that the program is what he intended for me. Apparently they just send a referral and the day people decide which box to put you in? God knows. Anyway, he is going to find out more before he makes a recommendation.
I am feeling dizzy and strange. I was the same yesterday afternoon, it freaked me out and I had to escape it by having a nanna nap. I dont know if it is because the Temazapam finally wears off at this time, or if it is anxiety or something else.
Christer Pim Pim was found dead this morning. My mum is gonna do her 'nana over it Im sure. Dad reckons it will be harder than losing her mum. (That wouldnt be hard, she practically told me she is glad her mum isnt around anymore) Poor old hairball. She was a nice thing. Furry, Purry. Ate and slept alot. She had a lifestyle I truly envied, that cat.