Sep 01, 2003 00:07
it's getting cold outside already, i had to close the windows and erase all the little swimming holes and ponds from my things to do for fun list. That just sucks. I am watching her stuff slowly disapear from the apartment, the computer is going soon as well. This may be my last entry for a while.
I need a computer a.s.a.p. so i can keep i touch with nic while shes gone to college, anyone that can help me out please give me a call 753-0882. My phone bill is going to suck.
Looking for a new apartment that is cheaper and has more incuded in the rent, off street parking would be nice too, we still have no hot water for christ sake.
I'll be missing her horribly, but 250 miles means nothing. I am going off to live up my last night with her here.