Oct 28, 2003 20:51
the days are getting shorter...yet longer...the ppl are still stupid...yet i love them all...ahhhhhhh...i'm hungry but i don't want to eat...i want to listen to music...yet i can't find anything good yet...i'm hot but i can't live without this hoodie...i love you...yet i hate you...(not andy)...just since i love something and yet i don't i thought i'd add that at the end...lol...
i'm in a good mood...yet i could kill everyone in my sight...my pc sucks at the AIM game...ugh!!....i need fun times...laughter...i need to have fun...i need more money...ahhhh...anyway...
so today...well...it was ok...just another slow and dragging day...but i noticed something...when i want to be noticed...i'm ingored and when i want to be left alone is when i'm noticed...how is that...hmm...i'm pondering...
ok so enough of that...ahhh bad song...need to change...but this song makes me think...wow...in like a week or 2...he'll be gone for 2 full years...wow...seems like just yesterday he was sitting here at my house...eating my doritos drinking a coke or cherry coke...maybe even eating taco bell...or fixing my pc...wow i miss him like crazy...why...why...why...ahh..."know that everything moves in circles"...wow...i probably am making this harder to let go...by keep thinking about his death...and you wanna know something odd...he always ate taco bell...well when i found out sitting in my living room and my mom on the phone with my bro and she started freaking out and sobbing and apologizing...i asked and she told me that blair had killed himself...i was eating taco bell...omg...i couldn't breathe...
make depression stop...its taking over everyone and eating away them from their inner souls to their outter strengths...AHHH...
i'm done...