wee!chesters art

Mar 19, 2007 22:21

I meant to post this over the weekend, but it was my special time of the month and I was feeling very blah about doing anything productive, so I'm sure you all have probably read Jared's interview with TVGuide. Jared must be one funny guy, and I swear, he's the cutest thing on the planet. How can you not love him when says thins like "You have to print that so I can show it to Jensen *snuggles him*

This is the spoiler free version, for those of us masochist who don't have enough challenges in our lives and want to remain blissfully ignorant about the finale.

I usually can't help myself knowing stuff beforehand, like I'm clicking on a link even before my brain fully processes what episode it's talking about, but I really want the season finale to be a surprise and go OMG and WTF and SAMMY! (cause I'm sure I'll scream that at some point) and DEAN and oh, boys. So, yeah, try not to slip anything, tough I won't hunt you down if you do :P

And I bring art! Another wee!chesters doodle I made a while ago and only now have gone around scanning it. I still haven't found my tablet (but I'm going to seriously look for it tomorrow, it can't just have disappeared even if my room is a mess most of the time) so I just put some shading over it.

So, Sammy stayed up again to study for a test and Dean acts like the good big brother he is and covers him with a blanket. I should have probably done a little more with the background, but I was annoyed with the picture for some reason, and didn't really feel like adding anything else. *wants to draw grown-ups*

This is the lineart, bigger file, for if anyone is interested.

fandom: spn, graphics: art, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester

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