
Mar 16, 2007 10:10

My internet connection was out as of 6 pm yesterday and didn't come back, so I went to bed in a state of semi panic thinking HOW was I going to watch the SPN episode if I didn't have it back by morning. Thankfully it was working when I woke up, so Yay! New SPN!

I so knew she was dead already! I started thinking it when she and Sam were sitting on the bed and talking about the reasons a spirit might want to stay and he was all kind and patient. I mean, he usually is kind, but it was like he was trying too hard to be gentle, I don't know how to explain it better

This is the first episode of SPN that was managed to make me physically jump! *is excited* When Molly was walking though the forest after hearing someone calling her name and the weird guy suddenly appeared I jumped in my seat, even when I was expecting something like that.

Ha! Arguing in the car! "I so know what you mean" &hearts! I mean, c'mon, I don't even look for these kind of things, but she was talking about her husband and then Sam says that? Trying to tell us something, Kripke? :P

Geekboy!Sam is back! Even with all the emo he still is the prettiest walking encyclopedia around

Talking about Sam, he makes a very poor job of protecting her though the episode, though it kinda makes more sense he's not so much focused on her cause she's, like, dead already. But still, she stops walking behind you and you don't notice? Tsk, tsk, Sammy.

No pyromaniac!Dean. A nice change from the Sam protecting-the-victing and Dean salts-and-burns-the-corpse formula.

The ending was very sad, it remind me of those few Ghost Whisperer episodes I've seen, they always end with the ghost 'seeing the light' and leaving, and even if you know that's what should happend, it's still very sad for the people who stays.

In short, a very nice episode, though I think it's not going to become one of my favourites. I don't know why, it didn't click with me like others have done. Maybe I'll like it better on rewatch?

No I'm off to class to spend my lab time reading other people's reactions and commenting

fandom: spn, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, review

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