question: do we exist. answer: fuck yes.

Mar 19, 2007 22:50 exist you must have an opposite, if there is nothing to contradict your existence, there is nothing to define your existence, and without definition, you are nothing.

2.nothing can not be the opposite of infinite, because nothing is the lack of all things and infinite is something. something cannot come from nothing. nothing can not be interrupted by something because something cannot exist in nothing, nor can it be created by it because that would make nothing something. and it is not. indeed it is not. it is nothing, by definition.
therefor infinite has an opposite, an opposite which is not nothing. an opposite which is something. an opposite which is all other things. the trees. the days. the wheather. the mountains. love. beauty. my grandparents, they are dead.
mom. fuck
dad. fuck
you. fuck
me. fuck
we're dieing darling. we are dieing.

3.Let's back track. definitions. opposites. the definition of opposites. 1. contrary or radically different in a respect common to both things. 2.being the other of two related or corresponding things. my assumption: within everything lies it's opposite. my reasons: you cannot be radically different and have something in common. you cannot be the opposite of two related things. mr. webster. You should have known better. it is not necessary to compare two different things to find it's opposite, it is only necessary to compare one thing to itself. because two things, mr. webster, cannot be similar and opposite at the same time. but if you take one thing, one thing can possess qualities opposite itself. we are in essence made up of parts, and if the parts were all the same we could not exist, not with definition, not in this reality. and all i'm sure of right now is that i exist. this also leaves out the error in stating that two different things are "similar and dissimilar" at the same time. that is faulty reasoning mr. webster. you can take your argumentum ad captandum and write yourself another book, because i'm not buying into this one. this means that in order for opposites to exist they must exist within one thing. restate my assumption: within everything lies it's opposite. consideration: all things are part of one whole.

4.Back to dieing. that which is dieing is not yet dead. that which is not dead must be alive. therefor that which is dieing is living. within everything lies it's opposite.
my conclusion: we are living darling. we are fucking living.
and although it is finite. i will not be afraid.
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