Alert the media.
Because I'm in a typative mood, I present the lj-cut.
Sunday was a warm, beautiful day of sunshine and light breezes. Monday during the day it winded and alternately rained and sunned, but by evening we were having thunderstorms and funnel clouds out on the east plains. Overnight, the rain turned to snow/sleet/wet!stuff!making!roads!dangerous type of precipitation which managed to cancel school and make for a lazy, sleep-in and play around with my crazy!cool siblings type of day. All day Tuesday it was snowing/sleeting/etcing on and off with some major (60-70 mph) winds, with more predicted all through the night, so the district canceled school for today last night. They never do that. This morning, what do we awake to but clear, beautiful (albeit on the chillier side) weather. There are some distinct advantages to being at the south end of the school district. Apparently up north there was still blowing snow and much iciness. So, we had a lovely day today of playing cards and DDR and Jefe wandering around in his robe until 4 PM because his pants were in the laundry. One cannot understand fashion unless one has seen a teal, green, and black Hawaiian shirt under a bright red robe.
Monday was a teacher work-day for the school district, so it will be a 2-day week for the Jefster, and a no-day week for Ben because of Senior Service day tomorrow (the district's more productive answer to Senior Skip day) and a choir competition all day Friday. A little late Easter present for the family.
Because of the no-schoolness of Monday, it was such a lazy day. I woke up at about 11, but I was still exhausted, so I ate breakfast and stole Jefe's waterbed for a trip to the land of Nod. Oh how I love his bed. It's so warm and wonderful. It's such a pity he doesn't fit on regular twin beds because I would definitely switch him anytime. Anyway, I woke up again about 3:30 PM. In what may not be pure coincidence, I also started to feel much better from this blasted head cold after that.
A rather humorous sketch courtesy of YouTube. If only tech support was this helpful when I call them!
Click to view
edit: Dad's snoring. I can hear him through the ceiling. No wonder Mom's having issues sleeping.