Hcg day five weight 205

Aug 19, 2011 08:49

So day five. I've lost five lbs. I seriously don't know how cuz I've cheated several times. Most of the cheats were small until last night. Had bout twice as much meat as I was supposed to. Had tablespoon of cream cheese. Plus only drank bout 40oz of water. Then I really fucked it and had pizza and chocolate cake with frosting. But somehow I still lost another lb yesterday. But I felt icky after I cheated so tho I was gonna take whole weekend off. I'm actually gonna get back on track today. I may cheat a little here and there but not gonna fall off the wagon. By nxt week I could lose a total of ten lbs so I'm gonna keep trying. Staring water now. 8:45am

So almost done with first 32oz of water. 10:45am. Having coffee with about 3/4 of tspoon of non dairy creamer and 2 sweet and low. Ate a piece of top sirloin just now. Bout 2.5 to Maybe 3oz of it. Nothing else. So I don't think it's that big a deal. I'll watch myself today. Welp. First cheat today. One piece cpk BBQ chicken pizza. Small piece but still. Oh well. Doing good on water.

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