Happy Birthday Sasha [locked to those who recieved an invitation]

Sep 16, 2008 00:03

Peter took a final glance around the aquarium. He'd rented out the aquarium for the evening and hired people to come cater it and decorate it. There was a distinct Little Mermaid theme going on with mermaids, crabs, various fish and useless items as decoration. Most of the hor'dourves were seafood but there was also things like mini quesadillas, little smokies, stuffed mushrooms, carrots, celery, a fruit plate and some chocolate covered cherries. The cake was a large stacked Little Mermaid Cake. The ice cream was Ben and Jerry's Cheesecake Brownie (Sasha's latest ice cream obsession) but there was also chocolate and vanilla.

There was a table near the food for gifts and the music was a mix of current and old. There was plenty of room for mingling and they'd set up a makeshift dance floor strung with lights. All around them, the various aquariums were lit up, fish swimming about curiously. The dress for the event was casual and Peter was wearing a suit sans tie. He hovered around near the door, waiting for guests to show up. Nathan was wandering around somewhere with Micah and Niki. Henry was firmly glued to Peter's side, one sticky hand (he'd had cotton candy earlier) in his.

"Sashy be here soon?" he asked, looking up at Peter.

Peter gave him a crooked smile and leaned over, picking Henry up in his arms. Two chubby arms immediately went around his neck. "In a little while. A lot of Sashy's friends are going to show up first and then Sashy will be here."

"Kay," Henry said, obviously satisfied with that answer.

ooc: This is obviously slow timed and will go on for lord only knows how long. Play, enjoy, and interact. I think most of you know each other since we kept it small due to Nathan being in hiding. Questions, just let me know but just have fun and be nice. Yes Miles, I'm looking at you

sasha's birthday, rp

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