for on_thecouch

Sep 13, 2008 23:23

17.1 - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
OOC: This piece was Co-written by vote4nathan and mybrothershadow. It's nostalgic, pre-series and set when they were younger.

Almost every weekend of college was spent coming home. It was impossible for Nathan to leave Peter for too entirely long. This weekend was no different. He had made the trek home and was set to take his six-year-old little brother to the park. It was beneficial for them both. Nathan could still study and Peter could play.

After a warm shower, Nathan wrapped the towel around his waist. He padded to the counter and leaned forward to rub his hand over his face before studying himself in the mirror. A quick analysis of his jawline both in the reflection and through a touch beneath his fingertips proved that he needed a shave. A light sheen of stubble was turning into too much to be called stubble. He applied a musky scented shaving cream and with a sharp razor, began working the blade over his skin, rinsing the blade off after every few swipes.

He was only a third through shaving when he noticed his little brother in the reflection. "Good morning, Peter. You must be excited to already be awake."

"Yuh-huh," Peter answered as he took the can of shaving cream and experimentally put some shaving cream in his hand. He smeared it on his face much more sloppily than Nathan and looked around puzzled for something to 'shave' with. He already knew that he wasn't supposed to touch the razors. They could hurt him. His eyes lit up and a crooked grin snaked across his shaving-cream covered face as he reached out and grabbed a toothbrush (Nathan's of course) and started to 'shave with the handle, bristles clenched in his hand. He mimicked Nathan, swiping the 'blade' over his face and then rinsing it off.

Amused, Nathan watched his brother copy him. After one swipe with the handle of his toothbrush, Nathan plucked it out of his brother's hands. He rinsed it off and put it back before picking out another razor. "Keep the guard on this and you can use it." He sat it down on the cabinet and then leaned down to smooth out the clumpy shaving cream on his brothers' features. "There you go." Straightening back up, he looked into the mirror again and continued his shaving.

The grin Peter gave Nathan when he handed him the razor was gleeful. He just beamed at him a moment before he continued to mimic Nathan. He paused a moment, put his razor on the edge of the sink and climbed up on the counter so he was closer to the mirror then picked up his razor and started to shave again, glancing over at Nathan every few seconds to make sure he was doing it 'right'.

Once Nathan was done shaving, he wiped off the excess cream from his features with a bath towel. He did the same for Peter and then helped him down from the counter. In the bedroom, Nathan changed into a polo shirt and a pair of slacks. He lifted Peter into his arms and carried him downstairs to the patio where he knew the paper and his coffee awaited along with a breakfast for Peter. "You have to eat and let me have my coffee before we go, alright Pete?"

He set Peter down in the chair next to him and then poured himself some coffee. Un-folding the newspaper, he withdrew the business section and sat back in his chair, rested one ankle over the opposite knee and began to look it over.

"M'kay," Peter answered as he watched Nathan pour coffee. He leaned over very far and snagged a section of the newspaper from the table and then watched Nathan for a moment, assessing his stance. He leaned back in his chair and rested his ankle on the opposite knee as he pretended to read the paper, checking in on Nathan's mannerisms every now and then. The maid brought out a glass of orange juice for Peter during this ritual, the corner of her mouth quirking up in a grin as she noticed the mirror poses.

Peter looked up when the maid walked in the room and his eyes got big. "Noooo, no, no," he said, almost startling the nurse.

"Is there a problem?" she asked, to which Peter nodded sagely.

"Can I has my juice in a mug like Nathan?" Peter asked.

The maid barely restrained her laugh, merely nodding as she took the juice back into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a mug full of orange juice. Nathan only noticed the mirrored pose when the maid set the mug of orange juice in front of Peter. A corner of his lips tugged into a half grin and he reached over to ruffle his hand through his brother's hair. It was moments like these that kept him coming home almost every weekend. "I love you, Pete."

on the couch

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