
May 11, 2011 22:11

 Umm. wow. I'm a terrible blogger. Really, really terrible. Haha. How long has it been? o.O Needless to say, MUCH has happened in my life.

My grandma had a stroke - but no worries, she got better - , I got a job, I quit my job, my job offered me another job that I accepted :O Entered my first real relationship, which is going.... interestingly :D My mum has a disease which WILL kill her, and some of the first signs of it getting worse are deafness and blindness. She's already half deaf in one ear :'( My mum and oldest younger brother visited from Canberra over the easter hols, and then after them my grandpa and cousin visited from Melbourne ^_^ My stepmum is pregnant and i'm soon to have my 3rd younger half-sibling :D

.. Aaaaand, i think that's it :D

Oh, ETA: I've been busy cheerleading my two Big Bang authors ^_^ I'm loving both these stories to death, honestly. Imma recommend them to everyone when their done :D

yayay, blog, rl, cheerleading, big bang

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