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Jan 06, 2011 21:31

Is it too late to say Bah-Humbug? I'm not feeling anti-Christmas right now...I'm just feeling a bit anti.

It was a rough day at work.

The picture above, obviously not a beautiful flower/tree/whatever as per usual, is of a post-it note that I put across the lower right hand part of my computer screen, so as not to stare at the time all day. One day, a couple weeks ago I was feeling pretty much as I am today and drew this little guy on there. I feel as if he knows me now. I look at him quite often (in picture form, as the actual post-it has long since lost it's gummy-ness and fallen to the wayside, most likely torn up in a strange little OCD habit that I have from writing many a bad note about my boss on them)

I love that little guy because he's not exactly sad, or anxious, or mad, but 'blah'. Just not up to par, as I tend to say more often than I should.
I would love if someone who made icons could make me a nifty icon of my little Blah.

I went into work so pysched, pumped even, for the day. I have all in all had a grand work week. I'm making mad money, orders left and right, credit cards (which means bonus's) and my time. Yay first normal week of work in a while. So I bounce into work a half hour early, surprising Rich and Sam, and am ready to go.


I did not get one order from the time I got there until roughly 11:30. 3 hours. of nothing. Now, when I was on regular sales this would be normal, but on renewals....where they ALREADY bought it once!?!?!?! This is outrageous. I had contacts, I was gettin' people on the phone. And they had either already renewed, didn't want it, in one case LOVED it but were filing for Chapter 11 and therefore couldn't renew....every fucking reason in the book. It cause some madness. Not anger...just slight...insanity. We were all a bit stir crazy but it got pretty rioutous towards the end of the day when all we were praying for was four o'clock so that we could all go home and do whatever it was necessary to not think about it again. We all talked about alchohol, but I'm sure only one of us did it. I didn't drink tonight. I took an hour or more long bath, with Russell Brand's book, new shaving cream and razor and body wash. I did girly/nerdy reader things. I am feeling better.

So, I'm going to share a piece of information with you that is funny and odd about myself.
I cry when I watch t.v. And not like "Oh when I saw P.s. I Love You the first time I shed a lot of tears". No, I cry at stupid things. I cried once at a parade, a televised one. I cried when I watched the VH1 Divas for the Troops thing (or whatever it was called) I cry at commercials, not just the ones with abused puppies and kittens...kodak commercials, those ones that tell you not to text people because they just might be driving and could DIE! I cry a LOT. Mike finds it cute, or so he says, I find it rather annoying. Someone told me once it's all the pent up emotions that I don't let out when big things happen (Like important people in my life dying...like..not shedding a tear while giving the euology at my father's funeral last year). All I know is this:

I hate it. I love The West Wing in a way that is really quite wrong. But it puts me in such a sulky mood. After I watch a few episodes I'm quite ready to crawl under the blankets and slip into a black abyss for a few hours. I can't seem to cheer up. I have to keep my intake of TWW to a minimum. How sad is that!?

Okay. Something funny....something light hearted....something not sad and pathetic to tell you all.
A lady at work was standing in front of Rich, purposefully blocking his way back to his seat. When I saw this I said
"I wouldn't do that, he'll pull your hair" (I meant this COMPLETELY innocently, I swear!) to which she replied
"Oh god! Please!" and as I looked away embarressed, which is hard to do to me, I heard her say
"And go ahead and smack my ass a little bit while your at it"
Rich is married....and really cranky.
This entertained me a LOT
and made me blush even more.
How odd.

quirks, t.v., work

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