Oct 05, 2005 00:00

All units please be advised BOLO Hot White Male, Brown curly hair, Deep brown eyes, Appr. 6 feet tall, Can tell me anything I want to hear. It has been said that this man loves to have fun, go to amusment parks, and dancing, but can sit at home and cuddle occasionally. It has also been noted that he has a job and doesn't want all of my money and for me to pay for everything. This guy will go to the end of the earth and back just because I ask him too. He likes music and knows what good music is. He will also accept me for who I am and thinks I'm cute when I do stupid stuff instead of annoying. This guy doesn't like feet and wont try to touch mine for any reason. This guy is perfect in every way. He loves dogs and may have a couple of his own. He also may like kids but doesn't have any of his own. He is smart but not arrogant, he is beautiful, but will tell me that I am too, He may own his own private island or condo on the beach somewhere but it's not confirmed and doesn't really matter. Once agian all officers please be on the lookout for this gentleman and as soon as he is located please bring him to me for a life of love and happiness. Last known location, in my dream last night.
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