Nov 20, 2005 19:58
Of Defense Torture, Our own wayward directions. Offset so of course we land on different islands, or places. going blackship on sails white and orlando theme'd. on so ever, keeping prisoners never (in case i steal).
You were right Jess, and no longer i kept old fashioned jeans. they had pockets under pockets, and those pockets held nothing! thank god!
We kept on shifting in very (often) comfortable positions in house and that was the most secure-lee fastened position i have been in, or part of. The rest fo you Dim wits were watching pornography not letting me enjoy the fancy life long lesson(of being respectful towards,genral direction, women). The lost one says an ape swings above us, and i didnt understand at first, but then i went on a space trip and the rest, was easy. thanks, for your wonderful image of wonderful images.
So i told you, soda as refrence-ing pleasure.
Skateboarding on, Noe goes over, the new ledge. smoothest ledge ive skated in a while, maybe ever. Jesse lieks it, Noe likes it, Tristan likes it, Nick likes it, Joe likes it. Also, im not sure all those people like it.I am sure Jesse and i like it.
*too many refrences to outside people.
There's no way im sleeping with that, because ive got alot of plain sentence's.
"I'll show you the goods if you want"
"I dont think we are supposed to be here, this is a church"
"i'll give you time to do that, and much more, later"
I read alot about The Pleased and Joanna's other projects, alongside other reading advent-tours i read information on Toshi Yano Andy Knowles(on how they help out and why its so damn good live.)
"when you drive, theres no foolin me, those roads invited me."