
Jan 29, 2005 20:31

visiting lisa @ wesleyan was fantastic.
on friday we went to a frat party with an "around the world" theme, where each room had different kinds of drinks (ie: mexico was tequila shots). there was new york city with cosmopolitans, and then there was france. france had no drink, but it had a lot of people smoking pot. not sure how that was supposed to be france. it should've been amsterdam. the party was fun because it was so crowded that you had to sort of plow your way through. on saturday we went to a '90s dance party at lisa's friend's house. it was packed and the dancing was sooo much fun. really great music like tlc (don't go chasin' waterfalls) and sublime. i got attacked by lisa's friends who proceeded to sandwich me numerous times throughout the night. afterwards, the best part came along: a huge, campus-wide snowfight on top of this really great hill! it was most excellent, though freezing cold. i went sledding for the very first time...and apparently there is some kind of technique to it which i didn't know before. when we got back to lisa's dorm, i drank tea and talked with a bunch of people until 3:30 in the morning. everytime i told some guy that i went to mt. holyoke, they would give me a weird creepy grin and then proceed to ask me "so, how's that workin' out?" some guy came back to the dorm after playing for 3 hrs in the snow and he had a layer of ice between his boxers and his pants. ouch.

here is lisa swiffering after i accidentally walked 2 feet into her room with my boots on.

she gets very angry when people don't take their shoes off and when people sit on her blue blanket. apparently, some guy sat on her blanket and she told him "what do you think you are doing? get the fuck off of my blanket" in a completely serious tone. only lisa could get away with saying something like that.

last night: i went to a couple of amherst parties, one was good with live music.
presently: i'm feeling menstrual, drowsy, and a bit depressed.
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