Jun 14, 2005 22:30
i didnt really do any unusual or different piercings today but it gave me a chance to tell my friend (juan - one of the tattoo artists) an idea i had for a tattoo so he can start sketching and i can become closer to finishing my sleeve! :)~ i want to do my nostrils so bad but i guess iv been putting them off, in a way, because i know its going to be painful doing them at an 8ga and then stretching to a 6 right after.. it will rock ass tho once its done! lol i got my shirt from my friend sue today in new jersey that has her tattoo shop logo and name on it (ink sanity). im gonna wear it tomm. and probably take some pictures of me and maybe juan with them on so i can send them to her :) i know she'll appreciate it. i guess theres nothing else remotely interesting running through my head so im gonna screw around on the computer more!!