Men's Short Program. Overalls? SRSLY??

Feb 16, 2010 23:01

I can watch hockey on the world feed without sound and I don't miss a thing. For figure skating - I need the commentary. I can't tell a double from a triple, or a Lutz from a Toe Loop. I can tell a single or a quad, though.

Good music choices for the men. Plushenko used Nights in a Spanish Garden which I love, and the Italian - Bacchini - made really inspired use of the Amalie soundtrack, even if his technical skating was at a lower level. He actually had the elements timed to the music, which is becoming increasingly rare. This was underlined by the fact that the Romainian who followed him had the same music, but didn't use it nearly as well (also, he had a gross techno-ed up version which totally screwed him in my books.)

I forgive Plushenko Jr. (Borodulin) for his use of the Kalinka because he used it with panache. Also: Russians get a pass on the no Kalinka rule.

Dear Spanish Dude: JAMES BOND DOES NOT WEAR SPARKLES. Especially NOT with pleather and never around his bullet holes. Oy. However, when you went into Mission Impossible, I was willing to allow it for Tom Cruise.

Little Kazakhstan dude! W00T! I loved him and his yellow sequin tuxido vest!

Daisuke Takahashi - great music, fantastic skating AND loved that he's basically dressed as a bullfighter painting on velvet from the '70s. Win, win, win! Extra win for the fantabulous sideburns.

Swedish dude had the worst ending to a routine EVAR!

Man, I thought Lambiel had conquered his love for foofy collars. I was wrong. Maybe it's to prevent further neck injury. And just because you're Swiss, Stephane, you do not need to do William Tell over and over. GAWD.

Nobanari FLIES. Jeebus H.

This entire field is incredible.

The Japanese and the Russians have brought back jumps AND artistic elements combined. They also brought back the masculine side of it. Well done, chaps.


Oh yes, second Italian. You DO need testes to wear a fake hillbilly outfit to skate in - especially when you don't skate very well. You lived up to your name.

Patrick Chen. He had perfect position in the air, but two foots the landing anyway. Ah well. Might have been enough if everyone else was falling, but he's up against perfection.

Oh Johnny Weir. We do not need to see your nipples. How can I pay attention to your skating when you are dressed like a schizophrenic dominatrix? This is not a good look on you.

This is taking too long. It's my bedtime now.

Plushenko is pretending to be suffering from a debilitating illness in order to make the other skaters feel like shit. With the knowledge, I bring you out of context quotations, starring Evgeny Plushenko:

"I need massage"

"You need quadruples or you are not a man"
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