Feb 04, 2006 16:33
It was a lovely summer day and the girls had for a long time had the urge to complete a cetrain shopping trip with each other "THE BULLRING" BUT AS THAT WAS OUT OF THE QUESTION we settled for cribs causeway...SO one monday morning alisa recieved a fone clall from mya thaT WENT SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF
"o crap"
"ffs HOLD ON....... scurries off to find and confront moth
"my mum says we will probably b bak in time"
cut to 40 MINUTES OF BOREDOM IN THE CAR.....the girls had never really noticed how maany things they talked about which they could not repeat in front of the their parents but lemme tell u ENOUGH TO FILL UP A CAR TRIP WITH SILENCE AND THE OCCASIONAL TUMBLEWEED..... SO AFTER ABOUT 40 MINUTES OF ZOOMING THE GIRLS FEET ITCHED WITH ANTICIPATION AND THE DAY WAS ABOUT TO COMMENCE THEY HAD PLANS .oo they6 ahd plans THEIR BASIC ITINERARY WAS go shopo, eat (maximum importance) and then meet fit lads....if only we had known....they began by leaving the car with myas parents, now as safe as vern and sabu were mya and alisa were in heavy need of skool supplies and REALLY did not wanna aquire it with the old parents lurking about...SO moments after they had entered the shop, alisa and mya decided that they were gunna make a break for it and so first had to break the news to the parents.
10 minutes l8r they were off and out of there and began the ritual browsing for boys and clothes after mya hdd a aquired some useful money...and so they wanderd and one of their first stops was into jane norman.......as lovely as this was the girls were goin studio soon and needed decent clothes but to their shok and horror their WERE NONE... i mean there was this one top mya piked up a green baggy type top thing that was really nice but it was AAAA and it wasnt as JING as it needed to be, so they left and carrued on with their voyage, entering shoe shops and passin many a strange type of people.
AFTER AN HOUR OF FINDIN ABSALUTLY NOTHING THE GIRLS WERE GETTIN A LITTLE BIT PANICKED TO SAY THE LEAST AND WERE REALLY NOT SURE WOT TO DO...... I MEAN they even went into h and m but could not find anythin decent for under a hundred pounds, now at this point we should consider mya was in desperate need of skool trousers and a shirt and alisa was in desperate need of shoes, so to end their frustration and to get over the fact there was NOT 1 DECENT BOYthey girls decided it was time to head off to the food court and see where all the action is.
After a goooood looooooooooooooooonnnnng view at all of the resteraunts (food is a hard choice u no) the girlsdecided to go for a sandwhich and a muffin in alisas case and a potato wid sum sort of curry on it in myas case. NOW while we had been standin in line and contemplating these delicasies. good old eagle eyes alisa spotted sum black boys eyes good old mya up and down ad no gave a her a sharp nudge, now mya speciality is that shes stares 4 fukkin england and this was no exception she REALLY stared i mean really but this gay blak thing was not starin bk until lyk 10 MINUTES AFTA and it was all a bit giggly and weird and shit but as thsi was the first bit of meat the girls had seen all day they wernt about to let them go that easily. SO they sat down all seductively trying to get stared out or have ANY ATTENTION AT ALL FROM THEM....bu these mother fukkers weert havin none of it until 20 minutes into eatin out selection of food they decided to sit behind us making us choke and laff... BUT still the refused to make any eye contact or anythign cuz they r gay fat daves and so we decided they were a lost cause and gave up.
After the short stop( believe me alisa would have made it longer is she cud man that girl can eat:)they got bak to the origional shopping mission and they went into this really nice expensive QUIET posh shop where they proceeded to be REALLY loud and complain that it was shit and they couldnt find anythign there. THERE WERE NO TROUSERS NE WHERE WE LOOKED SO HARD AND ALL WE CAME UP WITH WERE SOME LOVELY BELL BOTTOMS FOR £300!!!!:@:@:@
soooooooooo 2 make up 4 their grief they walked around looking for males of the opposite sex and playing their favourite game of talk to the strangers and ask them silly thing......so they were walking along the top floor getting along famouslywith the absalute NO1 there wen IN A BLINK OF AN EYE we saw these boys now we had seen them earlia in the day but we cudnt b bothered so we walked past and made a comment (i thik i was "hes quite fit" and this caused them to keep turnin around and look bak untill we eventually put them out of their misery and called them over to talk. In that time we learned their names...these names we have now forgottn but there was one blak boy hus name was hilsrious and made mya piss herself laffin even tho he was STOOD RIGHT THERE! BUT 4 ARGUMENTS SAKE WE SHALL CALL HIM JULIAN YASSIB and his friends paul and mike! mike had a pink t-shirt on and a jack daniels belt then wen questioned later we found he had made himself bcuz he was the poor skanky type u c! ThESE LADS WERE NOT EXACTLY RIVETING but they did perk the day up a bit so we dint complain but we did howvere walk off int the middle of tlkin 2 em.
Now throughout the day we had been spotting a group or potential lads(i saw potentitial bcuz we neva got close enough to c wot they were)UNTILL SUDENDLY in the blink of an eye (agen!): 0 we saw them in a card shop and knew it was our time to pounce lyk a leapord in a bin! so in we went with the master plan that our "Friend" ( a laffable notion at this time and really still now we only ver had the one friend o and so that is y she had such a rubbish name ) rachel wanted one of their numbers but was 2 shy 2 ask for it.... so in we went cannons ablaze and suchlike and we said "scuze me our m8 rachel wants ur numba" 2 the fittest of the cru hu just luked at us and walked off.....this made the girls laff quite a bit but the persisited and carried on.... until they asked one n he just went "NO" n walked off WE HAD BEEN REJECTED well not us technicalkly ravhel but she wasnt real so it doesnt count. MYA AND ALISA found this really embarresing but hilariously funny and so to carrty on the facade they ran outside where alisa screamed "RACHEL THEY SAID NO" THIS MEANT OF COURSE that the 2 whose bladders are never strong at the best of times agen where caught in the trap of the whole piss dilema.
Again they returned to shopping wen myas mum rang and asked where we were at this point mya complained down thefone to her mum about how crtap it was and ther w3as nuffin and the only decent trousers were 40 quid hoping to get them but sabu alas said no :'( so thye met up once more th old cru reunited andleft after buying sweets which mya bullied her mum into gettin (da rebel).(CHOCOLATE COVERED RAISINS) TO MUNCH ON THE WAY HOME while moaning and sighin but it hindsight we r quite funny :D:D