Jan 28, 2006 15:39
So It started..the end of yet another week, and wow did the last week of Jan 06 go fast...mya n alisa have new friends and have parted from katie the bitch of the world. Anywho mya and her new hair, along with alisa and her..general hair went in 2 town, which was quite the bore as it was too cold to do anythin. After taking the 1A in to town and being cussed by a lil Yr9 boy they set off where alisa could not find any jobs, so mya got a smoothie it was a bit of a waste tbh, but we had dayriders so it was all good.
Alisa Holt got dropped off at mya's at about 7:30, she realised her dad had picked up the rong bag.. the fool, so alisa had no stuff ahahaha, mya the life saver, provided her with some makeup which made alisa look like a wannabe indian. Anyway it was all gud, they tuk some pics and off they went. At the busstop, they started talkin to a boy..name, Martin who was on his way to "karens party" the bus came and on hopped mya and alisa.. and to their un-surprised faces, there was Marcell and Marcus (the rely popular boys round west that had stole alisas phone one fine Saturday night) They were being actually ALRIGHT! as the quad indugled in a stimiulating conversation on who they new, time flew and they were in town, They said there goodbye and on through town they went. They got off at the top of town and walked down, they reached the big clock, and alisa goes 'well thats james marshman' so they prolonged their voyage to Subway (the *bestest* food in the world!) and went to speak to him, where mya took a pic of him and her and then he met his mate and the new four walked over down the bottom of town. The boys parted off to go big boy clubbing, and the little juniors strolled into Subway. The usual crew was there, the man that winks at mya, and the werid dopey generic white one. They got there usual Mya - spicy italian and alisa - itialin BMT, which was LUSH as usual. Drawing to the end of their sub, a fat crew of boys walked in, it turned out to be Jamie Marvell a boy alisa had got with agesssss ago and how ugly he was was indescribable! The girls walked over to get their cookies to finish of the meal, and also an attempt to get in with them. - did not work. Mya funnily went "alisa i can't beleive ur gettin another footlong!!" the pair laughed and the boys departed. To mya and holts surprise, cookies were only 39p! mya tried bullying alisa in to buying 3 for a pound, but they settled with just the one, alisa got her usual pure choco one, and after major contemplation and advice from the dopey man, mya got a choc chip one. Walkeing up, they debated where to go on their trek.....Wallmart... or... Greenbridge... Wallmart was the winning choice - and my god was it a good one.......
So they hoped on the 15 to Asda Walmart, where they cracked quite a few jokes and mya gave permission for alisa to get with a few of her x's..alisa personified her hand into a notepad where she wrote down who...hot salt, ree ree, craig and omar haaaahaaaa. They had reached, they got off at the back off walmart. Walking along they noticed walmart was DEAD so mya made fun of old lee's saying and kept sarcasticaly saying, "so i thought walmart was the PLACE to be on a friday!" Walked round to the front of walmart where it was rainin abit and mya reinstated her statement. They decided to go in to Asda cuz alisa needed to urinate. Walking along Wallmart brought back mememories of when mya, lee, pez, dave n alisa went out in the "lee nyt" where alisa handed mya a turkey and mya in oblivious daze carried on walking n talkin 2 lee with it in her hand. This brought alisa in to fits of laugh...cackles.. and they walked in to the main toilet corridor bit fing.
There, was a crew of boys who were shoutin sexy n shit as they walked past, mya waslike "i knoo ;) c'mon then.. all mouth all mouth" so they walked back and stoped and all u could c was alisa wettin herself laughin in the changin room bit. They composed thereselves and went to talk to the lads who were quite weird. Basically, they were only interested in a shag and the pair kept goin along with it. One, we like to call Mouse, said 2 mya "aw why with a pretty face like that u shud av a bf" and she was like aaa. Alisa still desperately needin a piss, everyone kept talking. Another 3 boys walked towards us, went by the name Jolly (well jonny if u wanna get serious) As soon as we knew it, a fat man and another security man said we all had to get out, and personally escorted us out the building. They were gettin incredibly close to alisa and mya which was abit uncomfortable. So the lads and the girls cotched outside walmart, where the men walked out again and said 'i mean ALL of this area, othawise il get u bared' so mya said "DNT CARE ANYWAY I DNT LEAVE RND THIS AREA..fukin idiot" cuz shes rude, and off they went again round the corner...
They were talking about who they knew form Hereod. n alisa walked over to mya and whispeered "theres Dane Tregonning" but mya only heard the name so shouted "DANE TREGONNING" where alisa burst out laughin "MYA! HE'S RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!" where mya joined in with alisa's laughin and the two bombed it to the front of the group. Mouse came along with a pack of fags, which mya wanted, he was like "give me head for one" and she was like "no" but in the end he gave her one and life was good.
Like the original average boys they are, they sat at a bustop. Where alisa and mya bagged the best seats in the shelter ;) ohh yeos. After about 5035403minutes of them trying to get the girls to shag them tonight, they realised they werent gonna get that, and some of the boys started cussin the girls, sayin they were ugly and stuff (wtf bruv) grow up innit. Alisa heard and got so angry but kept it on the dwn low, by convering it up with quietness, where mya doin all the talkin was strugglin abit. After more cussin and shit, they were askin who the fittest one in the group was, alisa STILL not saying anything :@ left mya to fend for herself, where she said Darren, and he smiled and they exchanged glances and was like awww. Salter the one mya was sittin next to, said 'i shouldnt be sittin hear then isit, darren shud.' Darren had a fag, and mya wanted a drag so asked him, and he said 'for a kiss' so they kicked off the 'snog-fest' while leaning across salter like the piggy in the middle, they started gettin wiv each other infront of him. Theen mya stood up, and mouse sat down next to alisa, before you knew it, the blink of an eye, alisa and Mouse started gettin wiv each other. mya was like aaaa, and salter was gettin abit randy, so mya then got with Salter which made Darren abit jealous but a. While the two were gettin wiv people, the bus they were waitin for went past, which made the girls worry..it would be abother highworth incident (thats another story..) The majority of the boys chipped off, and mya & Darren and alisa & mouse were all stood up gettin wiv each other (obv not all 4 u no wt i mean) There was a lil ole lady at the bustop, so the gang cleared off in to the corner. Still gettin with each other, darren tried to frig mya, she wanted him to but hadnt sorted out elvis, so didnt let him and made her excuses. As for alisa, she didnt sort elvis out either so didn't let mouse frig her. A bus sound came upon the surroundings, so the two gave the boys their numbers and on the bus they went.
On their way back to town, Jamie the lil ugly annoyin boi from devizez rang alisa. Mya felt like havin a go at him, so she adopted the name Shakira, and alisa handed the phone to mya, where the slaggin and fighting commenced. mya actually went SCATTY, sayin shit like "U SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, OIOIOI , LISTEN 2 ME, SHUT UP, U FUCKING UGLY CUNT FUCKING SHUT UP U FUCKING IDIOT etcetc... OOOH WE HAVE A PURE CUSSER ON THE PHONE, IM ACTUALY SHITTIN MYSELF..FUCKING STUPID TWAT" where the clever boys thought off an extremely "insultin" comeback that "shakira" as fat and ugly - considerin she was MADE UP and they had never seen a pic. Alisa told jamie she was the hardet girl in swindon and all her bros wer in prison. After hanging up on them, the two went over to the catch the bus, they had just missed the 10:30 bus which took the piss. On waiting for the 11 o clok bus, Callum rang mya, where alisa transformed in to "gemma" and had a lil chat with callum. After that, the two walked over to this boy, alisa was convinced he had a bomb in his big fat bag. The trio got chattin and mya asked what he was studying he said law which rang some bells, so she cleverly went "well we've spoken 2 u be4" he agreed and they all remembered that they had randomly talked on a late bus home about 6 months ago. SMALL WORLD HEY!!! He told us he was gay, where mya went "THATS OK, ALISAS BI!" which made us all laugh, like it was a bad ting or summat. So on the bus they went were he englightened us with some "chav french" that derranged comes from de ranger, "to be bothered" which was a laugh. He got off, and Prinnels girl got on, which was ok that time, and mya & alisa kinda new her thanks to Tonya.
Off mya and alisa went - the end of another good night. It started snowing at slags corner (alba close) which was quite romantic, after laughin about how alisa said she couldnt find the "NOTEPAD" ROFLROFL (she mean't notebook) what a dick. and the two reminiched on hwo they were walkin up the close and a silhouttete was behind the curtain of the house infront of them, and then a lil eye peered out. They got in the house went on msn and made a montage. Upstairs they went, where alisa was clotheless, mya was abit short for clothes, after a few jokes gettin out potentiala night wear, of denim shorts and a lil pink skirt she handed alisa this white ensemble consistin of WHITE LONSDALE TRACKIES ;) and alegendary white ASIMO TOP!!! and mya cracked some jokes that alisa was from the KKK.. AND OFF TO BED THEY WENT!