PICSPAM: 1x03 - Occam's Razor

Jun 27, 2008 23:55

Writer: David Shore
Director: Bryan Singer
Original Airdate: Nov. 30, 2004

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picspam: episodic, - season 1

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ex_bluebonn June 28 2008, 14:06:46 UTC
I missed these. They're so hot, and LE is gorgeous as always. How does she do it?


jukebox_grad June 29 2008, 00:24:07 UTC
Our heterosexuality, which she so thoroughly steals, I think, can be used as an alternative fuel source for sexy, I'm thinking. So, she's already THAT freakin' gorgeous and sexy, and all the extra drool just adds to it exponentially. Just one theory.

House/Cuddy is the single hottest entity on TV. Well, the only other one I can think of his Brian Kinney on Queer As Folk.


ex_bluebonn June 29 2008, 01:44:52 UTC
QAF is just inherently (sp?) hot. I mean, come on, it's QAF.

Now that theory makes a lot of sense because she just keeps getting more gorgeous. It's almost enough to make me take up yoga, become a vegeterian, and rescue some stray dogs. But not quite. Meat is tasty murder and all that.


jukebox_grad June 29 2008, 02:22:32 UTC
That it is!

Word on the yoga. I probably couldn't do the vegetarian thing. Stray dogs -- well, we adopted two a few months back, so we're sort of there (and I found myself really wanting to adopt the poor Bubbles, a dog I saw up for adoption who was deaf and needed special care)!


ex_bluebonn June 29 2008, 02:40:36 UTC
Forgot to mention I hate yoga. I'm a dancer, so you'd think I'd be into it, but I'm not. It's uncomfortable and painful and annoying.

My old dog was a rescue dog. Actually, we kind of stole him ... My brother drove by a field on his way to somewhere and saw a dog tied up there. On his way back, he noticed that the dog was still there, so he got out and went to have a look. The dog was extremely underweight and had cigarette marks all over his body, so he untied him and took him home.

He grew into this huge, healthy, lovable fur thing (he's since died, though).


jukebox_grad June 29 2008, 03:38:08 UTC
I went to a yoga class a few times, for a short period of time. My uncle owns a kung fu school, and for a while he hired a woman to come in and teach yoga -- so I mooched and got in for free. I couldn't do everything, since I have a bad back (so the balancing on your head, climbing a wall stuff was kind of out of question for me). I liked it well enough, and still do some of the positions for stretching. It wasn't really deeply into the more meditative side of it, though.

Aw, good for your brother! I can't stand to see animals being neglected or abused. There's just no reason for it; no one's forcing you to take in an animal. I always imagined having a lot of dogs (in particular) once I was, well, all grown up, lol. As it is, just the two are pretty tough. But they're littermates, and still puppies we're dealing with. I'm looking forward to when they're a little more mellow and they've kicked the bad habits completely (or at least nearly so!).


ex_bluebonn June 29 2008, 03:41:56 UTC
My back's not so great considering the years of pounding I've inflicted on my spine at dance; still don't think I'd like yoga even if it wasn't messed up.

And yay for puppies. I'm holding out for a cute dachshund to show up at the shelter ...


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