Apr 27, 2008 15:06

I was trying to make ellixian do this, because she is far more creative with her flailing than I, but, well... with the price of gas so high these days, we really need to split our flailing between the two of us! ;)


There are two two House/Cuddy scenes available on the Fox website (and YouTube, and Facebook) from this Monday's episode. And isn't it our duty and responsibility to take these scenes out of context and pick them apart and analyze ever millisecond of them?

So, obviously, spoilers ahoy! There are transcripts and caps, as usual. Surely there will be some speculation in comments, so this is your warning!

I. House's Performance Review

CUDDY: [reading] Your treatment of patients is reprehensible.

WILSON: You're reading his performance review?

CUDDY: I'm busy and incredibly sexually frustrated (can you tell?). We have a nurse's strike. [continues reading] Your management of employees borders on abuse.

AMBER: Let's go.

WILSON: No, I... I wanna hear it. (Wilson likes to watch.)

CUDDY: You are overtly contemptuous of hospital hierarchy.

HOUSE: And covertly. But, I suppose you didn't know about that.

CUDDY: Your attitude towards supervisory personnel is disrespectful, and a disturbingly large proportion of your comments are racist or sexist.

CTB likes to watch, too.

HOUSE: That top makes you look like an Afghani prostitute.

Reaction shot of WIN!

HOUSE: ...would be an example of that.

II. Cuddy's Performance Review

CUDDY: [reading] Your treatment of patients is nonexistent, because you're not a doctor, you're an administrator.

Apparently this shall be an awesome episode for funny Cuddy reactions. "Airporne" eye!sniping, anyone?

HOUSE: Foreman convinced me that these can be helpful.

CUDDY: Management of employees is, well, let's face it, they're outside carrying signs. [stops reading] The strike ended, the nurses have been back for two shifts already.

The red lollipop is very helpful -- speeds up the comparison of these scene and "Humpty Dumpty," no? And does House look somewhat disappointed that Cuddy stopped reading?

HOUSE: You'd think I'd have noticed. What exactly do they do around here?

[House takes over reading the performance review] And the lights dim, and the romantic violins start playing in the Huddy fans' minds.

HOUSE: You act like employees should fear and respect you, but you're eyes tell us--

HOUSE: Actually, your eyes tell us nothing, 'cause we're looking at your boobs--

(And Cuddy is as covered up as ever. No doubt this keeps the viewers on point. So to speak.)

HOUSE: Which tell us that you're desperate to have someone jump on you and tell you they love you, one grunted syllable at a time. (Annnd, cue the fanfics!)

HOUSE: What you want, you run away from. What you need, you don't have a clue. What you've accomplished makes you proud. (And I'm pretty sure we're all up and flailing quite visibly right now, y/y? You've never seen so many exclamation points, either!)

HOUSE: But you're still miserable. (! ! !) Please sign.


I also planned on getting it done, say, when the clips first surfaced. It's just so unlike me to get things going later than anticipated! SO, let this also serve as a general pre-show post of flail.

preflail picspam, - season 4

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