I know you wanted everything and you got me. sorry I never was everything you ever hoped for!!

Jun 12, 2004 17:06

I don’t want you to love me anymore


Jess came and so did a huge tornado and thunderstorm… for 3 days we didn’t have power and I wasn’t allowed to drive or go out at night
On Thursday my birthday jess and me went to six flags and hung out and got followed by some creepy guy and then almost got kicked out…what fun what fun! Anyways later on we all went out to eat… then met up with Cathy and candy at my house and we went to see Harry potter at midnight with my fam-damn-ly… we came home went to bed and woke up early the next morning to go out to the lake… we got a boat and went tubing and water skiing it was fun but then jess got sick at dinner in the restaurant bathroom it was cool tho… came home and not sure what we did… then on sat we left and drove up to my godmothers fathers ranch witch is a 4 star lodge and blah blah and cost $30 million to build and talked to a very very famous chef about stuff…came home then went to beths grad. Party early got lost found it went it was lame left and then went to my cousin bobby’s house to hang… big fish came over and then we made fondue and then had to leave… Sunday I don’t remember what we did at all…
Monday I had to work and then we met up with Shaina and jess and bobby and talked to Emma and then we went and met Chris and big fish at what-a-burger… hung out then made chris follow me home we chilled out at my casa till bobby and Shaina and big fish came back and chilled out with them…. They left at 1ish and we headed upstairs
Jess packed and then we fell asleep woke up early and jess and I left when it was pouring rain… said our goodbyes and I kinda cried but only like a few tears came… it was sad but its over now um whatelse…oh that night I flew with my g-ma, Jessica Nagle, Shaina, and Jessica Ferris to New Orleans and got there at midnight fell asleep…woke up got ready went and ate went all over town shopped and did tourist things…. We left at like 8ish and then flew home… it was fun but really niggery and smelly… slummy is what it was

Well I have some good news and some bad news…

Good is I can come to FL for one week this summer or for thanksgiving

Bad news is that If I do crystal cant, and shes already bought her ticket… so I don’t think I’m gonna be able to come till thanksgiving!!!!!!

Crystal call me okay!!!!!!!??????

Last night I got off work at 4ish and went to my picture place to finalize some things… went to target… came home was supposed to go to that show with dash.. thrice.. riddlin kids and ….? But some bailed on me but it was k
I hung with bobby at sonic till like 10 30ish and then met some friends at taco bell…yucky …What the hell nah… and someone from Beverly’s cell phone called me…. Annoyingly …. Anyways I was on my way to get gas and was talking to sparkman on the phone… and this car with 3 guys pulled up next to me and my window was down… they were like hey baby girl want to go to a party I jokingly said SURE to my surprise they tried to get me to pull over and I when I didn’t they followed me for like 8 minutes… I then got to the gas station and filled up and there they were sitting parked by my car… I ran to my car and locked the doors but it was so dark I couldn’t find the lock button cause I was driving and talking to sparkman and it was dark all at the same time so I was freaking out… finally I found it and locked it… I got home almost an hour early for curfew but that’s cool… didn’t care went to sleep and woke up an hour late for work… drove to work at 7 worked till 5 and that’s about all this time.

There are 2 kinds of people in this world the ones that love and the ones that are loved… I love… enough said but fuck you you stupid retard just cause everyone loves you doenst mean you have to be a fucking asshole to me everytime you hear from me… its been 3 months and that’s what I get from you… wow we must not have been friends…

I said I didn’t
But I do
I do regret you!!!!!!!
You were the
biggest mistake
that I’ll ever make!!!!!!!!!!

That’s it

*where did our story end? and when did it begin? I buried you along with my heart!entertain me and tell me that "it didnt mean anything". We trust and believe so easily in words they speek we seek security in one another, but theres no way to cover this...........
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