The Abrasion of Personalities, Pt. #1

Jan 19, 2007 15:03

The Abrasion of Personalities, Pt. #1

An Exploration of Friction in Human Interaction

I·ras·ci·ble (ĭ-răs'ə-bəl, ī-răs'-)


1. Prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered.

2. Characterized by or resulting from anger.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin īrāscibilis, from Latin īrāscī, to be angry, from īra, anger.] irascibility i·ras'ci·bil'i·ty or i·ras'ci·ble·ness n.irascibly i·ras'ci·bly adv.

I don't expect that I've met many people who I've outright disliked, simply due to personality conflict as opposed to disliking a person based on their actions. Which is not say there hasn't been a share of the latter: the girl that tried to seduce my girlfriend while I was sleeping next to them, the man who hurt a friend, those who have disliked me first and I simply returned the favor, (and so on, and so on, add Nauseam.) Notably, I still harbor a strong dislike for the first person who brought it to my attention that perhaps I am not the most agreeable person.

Dis·a·gree·a·ble (dĭs'ə-grē'ə-bəl)


1. Not to one's liking; unpleasant or offensive.

2. Having a quarrelsome, bad-tempered manner.

disagreeableness dis'a·gree'a·ble·ness n.

disagreeably dis'a·gree'a·bly adv.

Quick to anger, and quick to articulate; Whether contrary or assertive, in self defense, a good many of my friends have been grateful for my willingness and ability to defend or argue a point. The unconscionable employer, the vicious ex, and the negligent landlord, are just a few who I have gently motivated to amend poorly behaviors. On the flip side, I'm unsure I would choose to know, how many times they have silently wished "Just this once" I would react, (or rather don't) impassively.
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