Moving forward

May 07, 2007 11:42

I've nearly got the sewing room set. I have quite a bit of the rolled fabric measured, I just need to photograph it and put it here for reference. I decided that I am not going to bother to measure or catalogue any of the yuck fabric I have as it is quite a bit. A few years ago, I bought a couple of pallets of fabric for $1 a pound. It was about 500 pounds! I sold a ton of it as much of it was lovely but not appropriate for costuming really. What is left is mostly printed home decor fabric which is unsuitable for anything. I don't feel like going through the hassle of selling it. I set it aside to go to charity or the rubbish bin before we moved, but it got packed by the movers mistakenly. There is a LOT of it! I am just going to put it on a separate set of shelves and use it for toiles or whatever. Maybe I will sell it. I don't know. I'll see once I unpack it all.

With the fabric situation finally getting settled, my thoughts are turning towards starting all of the projects I have been planning. However, my overlock and sewing machines are both of the US type and don't have dual voltage that I can tell. I have a small transformer (which David currently uses for his xbox 360) that I could use, but I think I am going to get a new machine. I have been asking for an embroidery machine for the past couple of years. In fact, every time my birthday or wedding anniversary comes around, I say this is what I want. David has been keen to get me one (even though they are very expensive) and has told me to just pick one out so he knows what to get. But I have been hesitating. I know they are a huge expense and it always seems we have something coming up. Last year around my birthday we were getting ready for the IVF and other fertility stuff and around our anniversary, we knew we may be moving overseas. My birthday is in August and I have decided that now is the time.

I have found a machine that I think is very cool! It is a combination of sewing maching and embroidery machine so I won't have to get two separate ones. I like that aspect from a space point of view. Also, the price isnt' too terrible. Most embroidery machines have a built in computer which drives up the cost. This one attaches to your computer via usb cable. That means that you get more computing power than they could put in the machine and it is easier to design your own. I have looked at reviews and such online and feel it is a good machine. I am so excited! The machine is a Singer Futura CE 200. Here is a description of it.

I plan on purchasing it once I get back from bringing our doggies from the US in June.


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