(no subject)

Jun 14, 2008 12:31

 Yesterday, David and I went to see the quarterfinals of the DFS Classic in Birmingham. It is one of the few Women's Tennis Association tournaments played in Britain and is one of the very few in the "grass court" season leading up to Wimbledon. David is the one who is into it and I just went along with him really. However, I did have a really good time. All but one of the women we were rooting for won their match including the American player. I was sorely disappointed in the British player (South). Her belly jiggled nearly as much as mine did! I had originally planned on rooting for her as she was the only British player to make it to the quarterfinals, but I couldn't bring myself to root for someone with such poor fitness. That is her JOB after all! I even asked if she had just had a baby or something... nope. She is just out of shape. Anyway, the weather was threatening at a few points, but it never rained. There were even brief periods of sunlight! The wind was pretty cool though so I was glad that David had the forethought to put our coats in the car before we left. At the time, I thought they would be too heavy, but I was very glad to have them. I don't think we would have lasted the day otherwise. So it was a fun but exhausting day. And we got to go to Birmingham for the first time. We had never even been on the M6 before. :)

Today is a sewing day. In fact, as soon as I finish with this post, I will be laying out another mock up of my bodice. The first mock up had a few big changes to it so I want to mock it up once more just to make sure before cutting into my real fabric. I've been reconsidering some of the designs I am planning or at least switching which fabrics will be made into which design. I'll upload picture of course once they are done. By the way, I have decided that I want to make a sheer gown. I found two patterns of lawn that I liked but couldn't decide between them so I got them both. One is mostly cream with a small delicate floral pattern in black. The second is mostly creme with a different small floral pattern in navy. The navy would make more sense if I get it made for August as I will already have a navy bonnet. But the black is the pattern I liked the best. So I got both! I doubt both will be made by August, but hopefully one will be. Otherwise, both fabrics would also be appropriate for Regency. Either way, they will eventually get used.

Here is the black/creme (my favorite):

And here is the navy/creme (more practical):

Tomorrow, we have a demo of Victorian dancing to do at the village fete where our dance group meets. It should be fun.

tennis, dance, victorian, fabric

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