SCA Meme

Aug 14, 2007 11:44

 Stolen from Inspired by

1. Mundane Name: Teena Paradise

2. Mundane Job: Computer Programmer/Consultant

3. Persona name: Juliane de Vivonne

4. How did you come up with your name? I knew that I wanted a french persona and a name that isn't super common. I found Juliane on the Paris census of 1292 and just liked it. Vivonne is the name of a medieval (and modern) city and I just liked how it sounded together.

5. Where and when did your persona live? Well... that depends on the day you ask. ;-) As I like styles from diverse geographic locations (and centuries!), I find it hard to establish a persona story. The one I tend to lean toward is... 16th c France... Juliane's father is a nobleman of the French court of Henri II (possibly a kinsman of Francios de Vivonne, a favorite of Henri II who died in a famous duel). When a princess (Isobel de Valois) is sent to Spain to marry Philip II, Juliane is one of her retinue. When Isobel dies a couple of years later, Juliane returns to her father's household and travels around Europe as he is often used as an emmisary for France. (This allows me to feel comfortable about wearing styles from 16th c Spain, Italy, France etc... Now the stuff from other centuries? Can't say I have an answer for that one!)

6. What is your Known World Location? Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom (technically part of the Shire of Pont Alarch, but I play with the Shire of Thamesreach, because they're closer).

7. What kingdom do you consider to be your home? Drachenwald is my home, but there will always be a special place in my heart for Meridies, my first kingdom.

8. How long have you played? I started playing in 2002 in Atlanta, GA (Barony of the South Downs, Meridies), but have been inactive for a couple of years. I just started playing again recently.

9. How did you get started? I wanted to have a reason to costume. I have studied historic costume for many many years but never had a reason to sew or wear any of it. David and I went to the Ren Faire in Atlanta one weekend and on the way home, we started discussing it. We started going to meetings and fighter practices soon after.

10. Why did you join? At first, just to be able to wear cool garb. Later, I became interested in other areas of research. I also enjoy the social aspect.

11. Have you registered a name? Yes. Juliane de Vivonne (May 2003 via Meridies)

12. Have you registered a device? "Argent, a fleur-de-lys azure with a bordure quarterly sable and azure." (May 2003 via Meridies) See the icon above.

13. What awards have you been granted? AoA

14. How many events do you attend each year? While in Meridies, we went to at least one local or kingdom event a month... sometimes 2 or 3!! We also travelled to society events like KWHS and KWCS.

15. What is the best event you have ever been to? There have been a lot of them, honestly. My husband, a good friend of ours (Madelena) and I received our AoAs at Castle Wars in 2003 so that was pretty cool. I remember that David was serving in his role of Baronial herald and I was in the Baroness' entourage. We were standing behind them during the Royal court so we had a really good view of people's faces when they were before the crown. When Madelena was called up to recieve her AoA, I was so happy for her that I started crying. Well, she was crying and no one EVER cries alone if I am around. When David and I were called up, we were both so surprised. I don't remember much of it to be honest. But I did cry. :)

I also have to mention another event. I think it was Red Tower 2002. We were still pretty new and not really "in" with any crowds yet. We arrived at the site and two couples made us feel so welcome by asking if we wanted to come bunk with them: Max and Lethrenn and Gunther and Kora. It really made our event and we ended up having a blast there. As an aside, both couples went on to rule Meridies in the past couple of years and Max and Lethrenn are the current heirs.

16. What is the worst event you have ever been to? Hands down... RUM (Royal University of Meridies) which was our first event.. It was hotter than hell and we had elected to sleep in one of the girl scout "cabins." BAD idea! But we were new so we didn't know they they were like sitting/sleeping in a car with the windows rolled up... in August... on the equator! Plus we really didn't know anyone, but the classes were fun.

17. What event do you make it to every year? We aren't really established in Drachenwald yet, but I'm sure there will be must-do events.

18. What event do you refuse to go to? I can't think of any.

19. Who is your favorite person to hang at an event with? We don't really know anyone that well here, but there were several back in Meridies. If I had to choose... no one can make you fall over laughing at a story like Duke John the Mad Celt. It doesn't matter what the story is about. He can be telling you how he went to the store and bought bread, but you will be doubled over crying with laughter.

20. What activities do you participate in? Costuming, illumination, dancing

21. What activity would you like to learn? I'd like to learn how to make shoes and do calligraphy. Also, I'd like to learn how to cast metal for jewelry.

22. Are you a marshal? Nope and probably never will be.

23. How many tents have you had destroyed at events? None, so far.

24. Has your garb ever caught on fire? No, but there has been garb I've wanted to set on fire!

25. Have you ever woke up in a strange person’s tent? My husband is pretty strange.

26. Do you have a pavilion? Not yet, but soon.

27. Are you a peer? No.

28. Do you ever want to be a peer? It would be nice, but I really don't need it to feel fulfilled. I sew and paint because I love to sew and paint. I'll strive to get better because I want to be better not because someone might be watching.

29. Is it a coincidence that peer rhymes with beer? Not in my experience.

30. Are you a squire, apprentice or protegee? No.

31. Who would you like to be squired, apprenticed or protegee'd to? I don't really know any peers in Drachenwald well enough to say. I will admit that I don't think you have to be belted to someone to be able to learn from them and share ideas, research or fellowship. :)

32. What is your war cry? Oh my god! A shoe sale!

33. Have you ever been pulled off of the field for your safety? No.

34. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you in armour? Can't say that I have ever been in armour... but if I was that would undoubtably be a funny moment.

35. Have you read Corpora? Yes.

36. Circlets, how do you feel? I like them.

37. What household(s) do you belong to? I belonged to Ean Airgead, Household of Duke Sir John the Mad Celt,  while I was in Meridies.

38. If you could change one thing about the SCA what would it be? The politics without a doubt. It is worse in some areas than others but it can choke the life out of some groups/people. It is a GAME after all!

39. What is your favorite part of the SCA? Wearing pretty gowns, of course.

40. What is your SCA Goal for the next 7 years? I'd like to get better at sewing and painting. As mentioned previously, I'd like to learn calligraphy, shoemaking and metal casting. I'd like to make new friends and become a useful denizen of the Kingdom of Drachenwald.

sca, memes

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