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Oct 05, 2010 12:14

This weekend I finally managed to get some time to sew! I was worried because Saturday we drove out to the base in Suffolk to get David new glasses. As it turned out, they didn't have much of a selection for men and what they did have was very expensive. We ended up getting them locally after all. But... we did get to eat taco bell and bring home some Popeye's chicken so it wasn't a total loss of a day.

Sunday, as I was preparing to start on the regency gowns, I realized I couldn't find my pattern ANYWHERE! David and I were both searching and it wasn't anywhere. I know it is here somewhere. And no doubt I will find it right after these gowns are done. :D  I have other patterns, but I really wanted to use the same one I used for the yellow regency day gown because the bodice needed minimal adjusting and I remember what it was I had to tweak. I didn't really want to have to take the time to adjust and refit a new pattern. So what to do?

I took a chance and searched online to see if they had their patterns for download... and they DID!! So I bought the download version and was good to go (Well, good to go once I printed it out and taped it all together!). And I even did a little impulse buy and bought another downloaded pattern as well. I was originally planning to do the day gown and the ball gown in the same pattern, but I really love this other patern so I think I am going to do that for my ballgown.

It is a crossover/wrap type gown and I am going to do it in the dark olive/gold shot taffeta. As I won't be dancing at the ball (DAMN FOOT!), I think it will be more appropriate.

In footly news, I have my pre-op appt tomorrow and the procedure is going to be done next week. I really hope this works and I won't have to have the full surgery. Keep your fingers crossed!

Oh and I couldn't forget to mention, today is Izzy's FIRST birthday! She is officially no longer a puppy and I expect all behavioral issues to stop immediately. Yeah right! :D

regency, health, doggies

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