Aug 10, 2004 17:56
The Nazi mom is back at it! Surprise, Surprise. My Nana went into surgery today-she had knee replacement surgery. My mom was a little stressed out about that last night, so she was a little bit irritable. My dad said to just leave her alone. Today, the surgery went fine. She will be out of the hospital in four days. My mom spent the whole morning and into about 3 o'clock at the hospital with her. She gets home, and I am gone to the ortho. She calls me to tell me that she's home and she called the ortho(good mood mom). Then, when I get home at 4(when I'm SUPPOSED to be tutoring),she starts grilling me about what I did today and how nothing is done around the house. I did laundry and I straightened up the house for her. She got mad b/c I went to Best Buy and 'didn't do anything all damn day!' I told her that I did, and that I won't do it again(she got even MORE mad). Then I told her that Leslie was home all day and did nothing. And neither did the boys. She didn't care. 'You are the oldest one. You should be setting the example.' Well apparently now I am a bad example for my siblings. Who would have thought!?!? So I tell her I am leaving, and she asks me about the post office trip this morning. Apparently I skrewed that up, too. And I skrewed up my ortho appointment. I don't think I skrewed up either of them, but she was irate(bad mood mom). She started yelling and screaming and I just walked out and slammed the door and sped away.
So I get home from tutoring, hoping her Nazi-like ways have settled down. Oh no. She's out mowing the lawn and at 5:30, she comes storming in yelling at me because I forgot to remind her to pick up Leslie. I DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO PICK UP LESLIE!!!!!! She said she would call and tell somebody if she needed a ride or not...but no, she didn't. And it was MY FAULT!!! I want to know how the HECK it was MY fault!!!!!
I am just so fed up with this. I mean, I do SO much around this house, and yet it still isn't good enough for her. I realize she's stressed out b/c of Nana and b/c my dad is in Detroit right now. But whatever. That is no reason to treat me like crap. I am doing MORE than my share of work around here(around my own schedule) and yet the other kids are perfect angels-and they do jack SQUAT!!!!!!!
I can't take this anymore....I am sick of her bi-polar ways and her inability to give credit where it is deserved(or at least not repremend me for doing something right!!)
I have shared laundry just buzzed...
God Bless,