Jul 01, 2005 00:05
ISH MY B-DAY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy b-day to me
happy b-day to me
happy b-day to me-e
happy. be. day. to. me!!!!!!
and kat was the 1st to wish me it at exactally 12:02 and 18 seconds!!!! haha she beat all of you! mwhahahahahaha! j/k! but i have had other wish me it for like the past two days so that is perfectally okay! lmao! just now it will mean more! lmao! damn i wish more people were on line. i am bored! lmao! yah i am happy- for now. tmrw my dad is coming- and hopfully with a good surprise right?
omg today was soooooooooooooooo much fucking fun at jess's pool par-tae! lmao but it wound up only being me, jess, kat, and santana. gabi and tuesday both were sick so they didn't come. =( but man i got burnt! like on my face kinda everywhere then on my shoulders justa bit! lmao i have a huge burn line. ew. oh well i can even that out sure.
wow i hope the rest of today is good! hope ppl call me and don't forget about me as some ppl who will knot be metioned have. seriously no names. though i kinda makes me sadd.
well i am still bored! no offence kat! lmao <3 today was much fun! then the party was great! good eat's eh?
SiriusyJamesrBFF : wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :runs in circles screaming IT'S RACHEL'S BIRTHDAY! WOOT!:
^^^ hell yess lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love always:
rachel alyssa