report card. whoopie

Jun 30, 2005 01:11

Class                 Final            Exam
-english                 B                           B
-history                 A                           C
-algebra                 A                         B
-earth/space           A                          B
-spanish                  B                         B
-band                     A                          A
-gym                       A                         B

yah, my exam grades kinda sucked a bit. i can't believe that after all that i only got an A in band... how retarted! i just can't believe i got a C in history... i blame it on the scantrons!!!!!! holy shit do i hate those fuckin ass things! and i hate filling in little frickin bubbles! who ever came up with that i dead needs to be shot and killed, like asap! oh well my GPA was will a 4.1 which t'aint too bad if i do say so myself. but w/e is summer so i ain't gonna let shit like this hold me down... although i do with it was a little cooler.... :ponders:

luv always,
rachel alyssa
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