Jan 18, 2007 18:04

HOLY FUCKING SHIT AGAIN! that is all i can really say. damn yesturday was almost frikin awsome, well after school anyway.
to begin with, about i a week ago now, when i was supposed to be at icc workin on my classes, i was out at walmart hanging with lindi and josh,. no sooner had we walked in, than this totaly hot girl walks by,and it turns out that Lindi knew her, josh and i catch up, and lindi is all over her, so yeah...i have no chance in hell, enough said.
any way! ... she was alone at her grandparents house last night, so josh and i get he bright idea to go and unbore her as it were... that could be taken in so many ways, ( which one i meant i will let your imagination guess *wink) yet again i digress.. so we are hanging out at her grandparents out in the middle of nowhere Polk County, and its time for us to book it back home because my mom totaly bithces like that, so we leave, its dark, im late, josh is .."happy" i guess you could say. so i peal out of her driveway at 60 + mph... less than an 1/8 from her house, i hit hte first curve at like 75 mph and my back end becomes practicaly airborne and i do a total wipe out 360+ and land in the fucking ditch.
the time is now about 10 till 8, now keep in mind that my parents think that i am still at ICC at my class- and im supposed to be home by 8. if i hadnt wiped out and gotten stuck, it would have taken about 15-20 minutes for me to get home any way, so i was totaly fucked.
luckily some cool as mexican dude stopd to help. mean while while we're trying to get he car out of the hole, a dude i a truck stops and asks if evry one was okay, i say yeah, then the stupid fucker says" well as long as no onnes hurt" adn roles up his window and drives off!if i every see him again, i will totaly shit kick his ass!
so the mexican and i are pushed the car from the front while Josh put it in reverse, and gunned it...WE WERE OUT! well josh gets out without putting the brake on! and my car is about to roll into the ditch on the other side of the street! i had to yell at him to put the damn brake on, because if the back end got stuck, (my car is a rear drive) there would be know way in hell we could have gotten out then i totaly would have been screwed.
looking back on the road, there were tire marks criss crossed all over the road which was pretty cool. and ... ITS 8 Oclock! so josh and i formulate this lame as hell story about some blue car almost hitting us,...my mom totaly beleived it, she just bitched alot. my dad didnt buy it. *tear. all he did was look at me with a smile and say " nice job dodging that car" lol i could so tell he knew i was lying, but he was cool with it, well if he knew where i actualy was, he wouldnt have been so yeah...
that was my day how was yours?
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