Kill high school kids for fun

Apr 11, 2008 17:15

Burris Theatre Club, why do I even bother? 4 people showed up today. Thoroughly disappointing.

Anyway, I have an interview for a week long summer position paying $600 in about an hour and 15 minutes. I hope I get the job. Would be a nice boost to our savings account.

Speaking of money, got a credit card today. Hoorah! let's hope I don't fuck it up. First expense will be on Paul's eye exam and glasses. I'm hoping it doesn't get denied for some effed up reason, because we don't have the cash to pay for it right now.

Today was a good day, until someone told me that it's supposed to snow this weekend. I hate Indiana weather. Why can't it just stay nice already?

I need to clean tonight, dishes, vacuuming...the works. The plan is to start room by room and make each one look spiffy. I think it will be easier because I'll blare the Beatles and have all the windows open. I hope my next door neighbor gets all pissy. He can S my imaginary D. Except he would probably like that since he's gay.

Paul works 'til close!

Anyone want to help me not fail my EdPsy class? That would be nice.

Oops, also need to build my white model this weekend. Should probably get on that shit. That, and my color renderings. And my portfolio.

I'm kind of glad the Florida job never got back to me, I feel as if I need to be in Muncie to get my shit together. I MUST get caught up on all of my bullshit before the fall semester. Or, I won't get into those classes. Which, I can't even think of the alternative. (me staying in Muncie for another YEAR)

Well this post is sufficiently too long already. SOOooooOOooOoooOooOooOOoooOOoOooo...

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