Apr 17, 2004 22:23
A lot of you are familiar with the term, "Nice guys finish last", but what people fail to see is the women's point of view from the males. See men fail to look at what they put women through too, which to my beliefs are even worse than what they say women do to them.
A lot of you men are probably sitting there laughing right now, saying what in the hell is she talking about. Well keep reading and I'll prove my point. Look at any magazine and men will say what they believe women want to hear on what they look for in a girl. I would say only about 5% of males are actually being truthful about what they say. Men if they don't know a girl won't walk up to someone unless they are up to their standards. Now standards, what do I mean by that..? Number 1, they have to have a pretty face in order for a male to walk up and say hi. That is probably the number 1 thing men would say they notice first about a women. Number 2 would probably be their body. They must have that perfect toned body in order for a guy to approach them. Now guys might read this and say that I'm just being overreactive and a hater, but in reality it's true. Read in some magazines the guys that tell the truth. He'll say I won't appraoch a girl unless she is 5'7 110 pounds. That is probably about 3% of the female population. Take myself for instance..Im 5'1 and am definitely not 110lbs. When guys say they look for personality as the first thing. How do u notice a personality on a girl you have never met or talked to? It's not like it's on her sleeve...There has to be somethin that attracts you to her like her physical features first before you get to know her. So how is that noticin her personality.....i think i win that fight....
Guys fail to see what they put women through with what they want from us. Most guys want a girl they can showcase and show off to other guys saying she is my girlfriend. Guys don't want a girl who other people are going to say what is he doing with her. No guy wants other guys to bash on them about their girlfriend.
Then you have the guys who talk about wanting the classy girl who they can take home to their parents. But when you look at the girls that most guys date its the slutty easy skanky girls who they can get into bed in one night. And then you have the guys who say I want a girl who I have a lot in common with. Well I can tell you, that's a lie. Guys take a look at your girlfriend you have now and then some of your girls that are friends. Now i can guarentee you that over 50% of you are not datin the girl you have now for havin a lot in common. Say you love sports and love going out and having fun like going to an arcade for a date or going to a sports game as a date. Your girlfriend likes to stay at home and has no passion for sports at all. She sits durin the game askin you questions about whats goin on and the rules. How is that any fun...when you just want to enjoy the game. So what is the reason you are datin that girl...could it be because u like showin her off?? That is a possibility. See the males rank on women about them wantin to be only friends with nice guys, but its just the same for women. The women that would be perfect for them to date..they only want to be friends with...
And then there are the girls who will help a guy get that dream girl for them, even though they know in their mind that they weren't meant for each other. They'll spend an afternoon helpin pickin out the right clothes to make a good first impression and help plan out the date. Even though she knows in her mind that it should be her goin on that date with him, but she wants him to be happy so she pushes that all to the side and no matter what she'll drop anything she had that day to make sure everything is going to run perfect for him that night.
Now there are a lot more points that I would like to get out but I feel this entry is long enough now and maybe i'll make a follow up entry to this to finish up my points. Now im sorry males for this entry, but I feel like im writing the truth here. Now in conclusion you can then see that nice guys do finish last....
Now this is a lil rant for myself. Im sick and tired of people tellin me how pretty i am and how much of a great person i am. Yes that's nice to hear, but when you look at my life...im overlooked by people an awful then if i am this wonderful sweet person....why is that?? why is it that every guy that i like decides that im just not good enough for him? Or is it that im just not that pretty or great after all... Why is it that guys don't chase after me? These questions I just don't seem to get. Or as my the story of my life seems to go i meet a guy...i date a guy..he finds someone better...What does that say about me? That im not good enough possibly..so then does that mean that im not pretty enough or not the great person they say i am? maybe.....Or i guess i should just sit here apologizin sayin im sorry i like sports rather then u have to miss the game explainin the rules to me....im sorry i like to go out and just have fun rather than goin to the mall the shop....im sorry i don't take 2 hrs to make sure my outfit matches and everything is perfect.....im sorry im not skinny and have a perfect body....im sorry that im independent and don't need a guy to do everything for me.....Im sorry that im not drop dead gorgeous....im sorry im not good enough for you to showcase me to your friends....and Im sorry i just not good enough to date period.....ok im done rantin....COMMENT PLEASE I COULD DEFINITELY USE THEM!!!!!