- I was reading over my old journal today. My summer love journal. [
http://www.livejournal.com/users/lauraaudrey] It made me sad. It retaught me things. It made me realize things. It woke me up to a lot I didn't see/feel/say/do in "the moment". It was overall interesting to reread and feel those things all over again in a sense.
- Watching the final episode of The Real World was sad, as it always is, but seeing Ace's tears well up in his eyes in the car leaving the house did it. Here I sat bawling. Too sweet. Goodbyes suck.
- I want someone to call "my boy" - like
silentlyxbroken, whom I'm so happy for. I had a boy, but now I don't, so I need a new boy. Any takers? ;o)
- I'm seeing Mr.John Mayer tomorrow night in Baltimore! My favorite musical artist in my favorite city. Could it be any more perfect? Yes. I could have a camera. I only have my mom's digital camera, and my own. Hopefully I can get good shots with my mom's, since it has a zoom. I love that city. It has bright lights and dark skies and tall buildings and beautiful people and culture and...everything. I love it. And John singing "Back To You" and "Covered In Rain" and "Split Screen Sadness" and "Quiet" is gonna make me cryyyyyyyyyyy...
- I have nothing else to say. I have these weird, mixed feelings all over inside me that I don't even know how to express. It's so jumbled I wouldn't know where to begin or how to even find the words to say to even come close to explaining them.