habits, nerdiness, annoyances, males, and memories

May 29, 2007 21:02

Ashley (of
narfna) gave me questions.  I answered them.  Some are short, some are rambley.  Some have pictures, some make me teary-eyed because I think I'm a little bit hormonal.  The entry is long, but read it anyway and comment lots, even to say hi.  I'm an online attention whore and I like comments.

1. What is your most disgusting habit?

By far, my most disgusting habit is biting my nails.  Yes, I quit.  But, yes, I still nibble these days.  Finals got the best of me and now they're all uneven again.  I hate it.  I want it to go away.  It's so germ-y and gross and ew.

2. What is the nerdiest thing you've ever done, in detail?

I don't know what Ashley's talking about in this one.  I am not, nor have I ever been a nerd.  Even in high school with all of my AP and honors classes and band, I wasn't a nerd.  Right now, when I bring my blood pressure cuff over to a friend's house so that I can take their vitals, I am not a nerd.  I may go to graduate school, but this does not qualify me as a nerd.  I may be in the most bat-shit crazy college marching band in the history of the world, but a nerd, I am not.  I may yell at the television when Dr. Burke says that Meredith is hyperthermic when she reads less than 90 degress, enjoy reading so much that I wish I had a summer devoted to it, and I may be able to quote certain movies or television shows by heart, but these are not nerdy.  By the way, Meredith was hypothermic; this is not a difficult concept.

Though I have wracked my brain, I cannot come up with one specific moment in time that I have been the most nerdy.  My life is basically nerdy, but I have learned to accept this as a positive trait.  So, I guess if you want to hear about my nerdy life in detail, read on!

3. What are the three things that annoy you the most? Pick one to get rid of.

a) Tests. 
b) My excess abdominal weight. 
c) Truly, stupid, ignorant people who think they know what they're talking about when they actually don't

As for getting rid of one, it's easier than you think.  My excess abdominal weight has proven to not prevent others from calling me skinny (although I think they must be on crack or blind because I distinctively see rolls) and can be dealt with with effort.  No need to make it disappear when there are more important things in this world to make disappear (like war, which saddens and angers me, more than annoys me).  For the really dumb people, they too are human beings and we must respect them for the idiots they are.  They have a right to life just as we and after they say silly things, we can chuckle to ourselves under our breaths.  Besides, who else is better at reminding us about how intelligent we are?  Now, tests.  Tests are the obvious choice.  I tend to believe myself to be above average intelligence, however the tests scores do not say so.  They say I'm more average.  And, if you know me, I'm not a big fan of being average.  Or below average, which I have been in pharmacology classes and physics classes and the occasional calculus test.  If we got rid of testing and actually looked at how we performed in the subject in a nonstress-inducing environment, perhaps we could actually see how awesome people really are.  Another option would be to get rid of the test anxiety, because I swear to God my IQ drops about 30 points every time someone says "test."

4. Who would be on your "List"? You know what I'm talking about.

This has been a very difficult task for me.  I do love the males, but I have decided on these five.  For now.  I reserve the right to change any one of them at any time.  Of course, if I were to run into one of the previous listers, I would have to do a quick switch as to not insult them.  (See: Ross and Isabella Rosselini)  Therefore, this list shalt not be laminated.  Ever.  However, it may be published on facebook.  Never know.

Michael Vartan
my secret agent man huband for almost seven years

Christian Bale
is there any role he can't rock? i think not

Harrison Ford
a true man at any age, but mostly in his 30s

Leonardo DiCaprio
Jack Dawson, my first mature love

Hugh Grant
despite the whole cheating on Elizabeth Hurley with a prostitute thing

Honorable Mentions: Colin Firth, Jude Law, Josh Holloway, Matthew McConaughey, Eric Mabius, Tyler Florence, Johnny Depp, Dave Leiberman, Will Smith, Clay Aiken (shut up), and Blake Lewis.

5. Describe your most vivid memory from your childhood.

Many of my childhood memories are pretty vivid.  I remember standing in Annie's bedroom in my polyester, white, Mickey Mouse nightgown that clung to my legs with too many washings.  I looked out my window, reflecting on my grand age of five and remarking to myself how old I had become.

I remember the days of "Ship Wreck."  Annie, Kaylee, our neighborhood friend, and I played for hours on our swing set, pumping the ship with the swings and looking off in the distance for pirates or whatever islands we could find.  No matter the weather, we could sit in our tarped fort or climb up our ropes or concoct a potion out of leaves or kumkwats.

But, I think my favorites revolve around my family:

I remember our camping trips.  The weekends we would spend in the White Mountains or Flagstaff, pitching the tent or parking the trailer, gathering firewood, cooking up "Rainy Day Chicken" in the Dutch oven over the coals, playing Rummikubs, or just sitting around and laughing at my father's silly joke.  I remember the trip to Yellowstone and counting the buffalo, the hikes, and seeing the elk watch me play my clarinet from across the river.  I remember the bike accident that chipped my tooth.  I remember the gross, used tent trailer trip to Utah.  I remember the last trip to Prescott in our brand new tent trailer before my dad was diagnosed with cancer.

I remember the nights we would stay up, curled together on our parents' bed, our mom between Annie and me, and read.  Chapter after chapter, book after book, we would plead for just a little more before Dad would give us piggyback or "sack of potato" rides back to our rooms.  They would tuck us in, hug and kiss us, and turn out the light, leaving me to sleep safely and soundly.  They were the best then, they're the best now.  If it's possible, I love them even more than I did back then because now I have come to truly appreciate bucket baths in the forest, The Indian in the Cupboard, and those piggyback rides.  Love is a fantastic thing.

Edited 5/29/07 @0811:  I'd be happy to ask questions for anyone who wants them.  It makes blogging easier.  Not that we need it to be easier...   

questions, droolage, friends, family, love life, life in general, nostalgia, marching band, random, nursing school

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