I have no life...nicked from Trevski

May 31, 2006 23:52

1. Do you have a boyfriend? In my head yes

2. What is his name? You wouldn't be able to pronounce it...

3. Where did you meet? whilst I was watching telly

4. When did you meet? As a child watching Doctor Who...

5. Do you remember what you were wearing when you first met? Sorry

6. Do you remember what he was wearing when you first met? A cricket jumper, candy striped pants, a frock coat and a stick of celery...

7. Do you remember a song that was popular at the time you first met? the Doctor Who theme tune...ohhh wait sorry that was only popular for me...

8. Do you have a special song? see above...

9. Do you have a special movie? we like to try and forget that...

10. What is the age gap between both of you? its a big one I'll tell you that...

11. Do you like being older/younger? Doesn't phase me...

12. Do you know their birthdate? would November 23 do?

13. Do you know where they were born? the Capitol on Gallifrey...

14. Is he/she a star sign that are you compatible with? not that I know of...

15. Do they have annoying habits? yes, being fictional

16. Have you told them about their annoying habit(s)? see above

17. Do they snore? no

18. Do they hog the bed? see 15

19. Do you have similar interests? space? destroying bad guys? drinking TEA! WHEE

20. Do you have similar tastes in music? we both like the classical stuff

21. Do you have kids? nup, he's fictional remember...

22. Do you know what your partner is doing now? yes, waiting for me to press play on Arc of Infinity...

23. When did you last have a fight? Yesterday when Winamp refused to play him for me...

24. When did you last kiss? see 15...though in my mind's eye...

25. When did you last hug? see above

26. What color are his eyes? blue

27. What color is his hair? Blonde

28. What do you think their best asset(s) is/are, physically? his innocent open face...and height...love height...

29. What is his worst asset, physically? that he doesn't physically exist...

30. Do you know his favorite song? no

31. Do you know his favorite movie? no

32. Do you know his favorite book? The Time Machine by Jules Verne

33. Do you get along with his parents? I've never even been to Gallifrey, let alone met them...

34. What is the best thing he has ever done for you? live in my imagination and entertain me...

35.What is the most romantic thing he has done for you? hee hee

36.Will you let him see this survey? well since he's fictional...and apart from in my head doesn't exist outside of a BBC tv show...

saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad sleep deprived fangirl sitting here at a keyboard...

meme, fangirl of rassilon

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