Oct 26, 2005 21:09
tonight feels like a list night:
1. i miss nardin. i would have never ever thought i would say that but i do. i miss wearing sweatshirt skirts and sneakers. i wish the fight for parking that landed me in school exactly 1 hour and 10 minutes before it began each day.
2. i miss my morning drive and driving late at night. they were times to think - around here not much thinking gets done.
3. people change, especially in college. i feel like so many people here are just trying to be what they want others to be. they jump from friend to friend trying to figure out which one they are going to latch onto next. get a backbone. be who you are. because what you are doing is pathetic.
4. people try to impress others with their school. its ridiclous
5. the heat is either too hot or too cold. i can't deal with it.
6. it is so hard to hold onto what you love. but if you really love them, i have decided it's doable - there will be ups and downs but you will get through it.
- as for next week i might not survive, but we'll have to wait and see -
7. i cannot breathe for real and have a reslife meeting next tuesday for something that i wasn't even apart of...sweet.
8. i think a suprise visit is in store
9. cutting 2 inches off my hair was not a good idea, its not short and i can't do anything with it
10. its 9:15 and i am ready for bed. but will wait for your call till i go to bed. because that is just what i do.
until next time, goodbye lovelies.