cuz you're afraid to find out all this hope you had sent into the sky by now had crashed and it did

Sep 18, 2004 14:30

sometimes i wish that i didn't know so much
like, there are times when i overhear conversations that i wish i didn't hear
because i was much better off not knowing in the first place...
i found out some stuff today that happened a long time ago that i wish i wouldn't have found out because now it kind of changes everything

i wish i didn't know this stuff...sometimes it's good to just be completely clueless and not ask any questions that you really don't want to know the answers to.

now for a complete subject

i finally know my way around the school now. took me about a week since they re-did EVERYTHING from last year...but i'm an office aide last hour so i have to walk around it every day and i don't get lost anymore
D hall is like the dungeon over there it's just a big empty oversized hall and nobody ever really goes down there
our school looks like the home depot
kinda funny looking if you ask me

well today i think i might go to brandon's i'll probly call him later on. cuz him and elise called last week but i had to be home early that night so i couldn't go so hopefully today we hang out and play halo cuz he has a big tv for it.. i like that game (thanks to ryan) lol

somehow it got passed around our team that i said i was quitting? its kinda weird cuz i never even said that. all i said is i might not try out for basketball season this year but i never said anything about quitting football season...

i hope we perform good at the pep assembly this year..i am sooo excited for the parade and the game and will be fun. i just HOPE it doesn't rain again like it did the last 2 years! ahhh if it rains i'm gonna be so sad

anyways, for another change of subject...

i really noticed a lot this last week that people really make fun of a lot of people. it really makes me irritated when they do that. what is the point in making fun of someone else? do YOU like when someone makes fun of YOU? then why do it to another person?! its so rediculious. if you have a problem with someone for the way they look, the way they dress, the friends they have, or whatever....just keep it to yourself cuz people make fun of other people because they are truly insecure with themselves. and it really shows
*treat others the way you want to be treated*


well i'm gonna go and play my guitar since i haven't gotten a chance to in like a week and i'm kind of craving playing it again! :)

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