Jul 23, 2005 17:48
Well all in all today was a pretty good day thus far(still got about 6 hours of light to burn). This morning I talked to Jay and he said he was thinking about going down to the range to fire off some rounds. I told him I would meet him down there if he was going down. I got my SKS out and loaded up so clips and headed off to the range. God I love that gun. Well I ended up being the first person down there and put some targets up and destroyed them. As of right now I can keep a pattern about the size of a tennis ball. I was down there shooting for HOURS. Around like 2:30 Danielle called me and I tried talking to her for a bit but my phone kept breaking up. My phone hung up right as I tried to tell her that I love her. The cool thing is when my phone came back on I had a text from her that said "I love you" I absolutly love when she does little random stuff like that. I then called her and talked for a bit. She had a bridal shower today so I didnt get to see her as of yet but hopefully I will.It amazes me how much happier I with her then I was without her being in my life. Total 180 Emotionally,I could not be a happier person. Well thats about all I can think of to write about for now,maybe I will post something a little later.