Apr 14, 2008 15:45
I have much to say about the trip to the UK so far. The flight went just fine, no airport stress (will be hard to fly in to London again...), excellent train ride to Durham, nice b&b in one of most beautiful towns (check that -- it's a city because it has a cathedral) I have ever seen...
Right now I'm in a pub next to a table of 14 grad students who have been laughing and drinking heartily for the last hour+ -- and just this second went strangely quiet for a moment. I'm using free wi-fi and drinking Coke and a suprisingly good latte. The room smells of lager, smoke and cheap cologne (Polo flashback, anyone?). One of the guys here has been steadfastly hitting on the lone girl at the table, right next to me (Blue Note flashback, anyone?). Ah, to be young and sincere about boys again... I feel no Mrs. Robinson desires near this crowd. One of the guys has a shirt that reads: "Guten Fag."
There was a loud exclamation and holler -- Wigan just tied Chelsea on the big flat-screen telly above our heads. Footie Rules Here.
I've lost my camera somewhere. As the guy next to me just said, "Bollocks."