Top 8 Reasons Why Cheney Shot Someones Face Off.

Feb 21, 2006 08:18

As most of you already may know, Cheney was involved in a targic hunting accident last week, accidentally shooting a man in the face while chasing after a quail. Why, you may ask? There are multiple reasons, but for the sake of a short entry, I will limit myself to a top 8 list, in the same fashion of MySpace's Top 8. So, buckle your seat belts fellow bloggers, here comes....

CH3|\|eY's Top 8:
CH3|\|eY has 300 million friends:

Who wouldn't shoot that guy? Psh, lawyers.

If Dick is pro-torture, then this guy got off easy.

He mistakened him for Dan Quayle.

The guy got in front of him, thus showing superority. Richard doesn't take sass.

His gun was set to "Jack Bauer" mode. aka, the super hxcore extreme destructive setting.

He mistaken the guy for a child. And we all know how he feels about children.

He was hungry, and one quail wasn't going to satisfy his appetite.

His ambulance hadn't been used in a while. No use in letting precious tax dollars go to waste.

Class is ending, if you have any more reasons, comment em here. I'll take the best ones and do a follow up.

So I have this amazing boyfriend named Justin. I'm leaving for London on Thursday. My family is in town.

And now there's one less Lawyer roaming the streets.

This has been an amazingly super de dooper week :-D

Unti further adue,

Peace out, nigs.

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