Fic: Broken Old Mares

Sep 12, 2015 20:32

Title: Broken Old Mares
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Joe, Delilah, and a horse (mention of Cordy)
Rating: G
Summary: Joe's brought them both out here for a new life.
Warning: *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #2 at writerverse. Prompt: On the Other Side and Virdigris, with a side of Button and Jacket
Disclaimer: EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!! Inspiration comes from tvrealm, Team Chiller and the Team TV Show challenge, with thanks.

If there was one thing Delilah Morgan would have said would never happen to her, it would be living on a cattle ranch, let alone running one. Well, technically, the ranch belonged to her husband.

That was another thing she thought would never happen to her... especially with her previous line of work.

But, if there was one thing Delilah had learned - especially since Joseph Bennett had stumbled into her life - it was to expect that nothing would go as expected.

She had gone for a morning walk, to get some fresh air and let thoughts wander. The sun was getting higher in the sky, and she had to laugh at the notion that it was somehow warmer inland, as opposed to the stifling summer heat of the city.

The injury to her shoulder had healed up enough that she was almost able to get dressed on her own, but one-handed buttoning was still a skill she hadn't mastered. Oddly, she could unbutton anything one-handed without even blinking.

Perk of the job, and all that...

As she reached the edge of the corral, Delilah's thoughts moved from her previous life back to the present, and she was glad that she'd skipped the overjacket, that morning. The sun was warm, and she still hadn't adjusted to life on this side of the bay.

Taking a look out over the landscape, Delilah thought the California valley looked awfully... empty. But, compared to the hustle and bustle of San Francisco, it was nice to have some space.

It also smelled much fresher, over here.

She missed the evening breeze off the water, and the silence was another thing she'd have to get used to.

Hearing a whinny behind her, Delilah turned to see one of her husband's horses coming her way. Giving the mare a smile, she leaned against the fence and reached for the horse's muzzle, giving the soft fuzz a slow stroke as she looked at the large green eyes staring back.

"And which one are you?" she asked, smiling as the horse's response was just to whinny again.

"That one ain't named yet," she heard. Delilah rolled her eyes and turned to make a face at her smiling husband, who had just pulled up to the fence at her side. He gave her a bright, cheeky grin for a moment, then sighed and shook his head. "This one isn't named yet," he corrected.

Delilah looked back at the horse and smiled again. "And what name would you like?" she asked the horse. Joe stepped around her, effectively pressing her between him and the fence. His hand trailed along her arm and slowly moved her hand to the horse's neck, while his other hand rested on her hip.

"It's entirely up to you," he whispered in her ear, then pressed a kiss to her neck. "She belongs to you." Delilah was glad to be pressed against the fence, because his proximity had her week in the knees.

"You bought me a horse?" she asked, trying to ignore him.

"I did," he replied, pressing another light kiss to her neck. Delilah leaned back enough to nudge his chest with her shoulder, pushing him back. Turning around, she leaned against the fence and gave him a look, eyes narrowed.

"Why did you buy me a horse?" Joe looked at her and smiled.

"Because you're a ranch woman, now. And all ranch women need their own horse." He fought a laugh at her expression and reached past her to keep the mare from eating his wife's hair. "Cordy got a horse, too."

Delilah turned back to the horse again and leaned against Joe, this time far more relaxed by his presence. "What makes you think I even know how to ride a horse?" she asked. "Or can?" she added, giving the slightest roll of her injured shoulder.

"I'll teach you," Joe replied, resting his cheek against her head. "And you'll want to learn, because it will make taking midnight rides much easier."

"I could just ride your horse at midnight," she replied with a smirk.

"That you could," Joe replied, his own smirk forming. "But," he sighed, reaching to bring the horse closer, "we'll continue that conversation, tonight." Delilah smirked and reached up to give the horse's neck a scratch.

"I didn't know horses had green eyes," she said quietly, smiling as the horse nuzzled the treat Joe had just pulled from his pocket.

"They don't. Not usually, anyway," Joe nodded. "This one here, she's unique." He watched Delilah for a moment and then smiled. "Had a hard life, where she was," he explained, still watching her. "Now," Joe smiled as Delilah looked at him, "she's here."

"Are you talking to me or the horse?" Delilah asked with a raised brow.

Joe simply laughed.

-writerverse, barbary

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