Original: Making Ice Cream

Nov 24, 2014 20:44

Title: Making Ice Cream
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: unnamed gal
Rating: G
Summary: She's found her calling...
Warning: *Written for What's For Dinner? at writerverse.
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!!

She hadn't been too sure about the contraption when she first saw it, but the idea of making ice cream whenever she wanted was just too good to pass up. Between the flavor combinations in her own head, and all the recipes she'd find online, there would never be a lack of comfort in her house.

She did, however, have to buy some of the materials as she went along, because there had been no reason - up until now - for her to own a mesh strainer. The colander had always worked perfectly fine for her solo spaghetti nights.

Something else she'd never expected to need were the how to videos online, but when 'folding' versus 'stirring' versus 'mixing' all came up in one of the recipes, she knew the task was going to be harder. She now was a self-proclaimed master of folding egg whites into pretty much anything, but the whisking still needed practice.

After all, how was she to know if her peaks were stiff or solid?

-writerverse, oneshot

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