Original: Three Little Words

Nov 08, 2014 22:58

Title: Three Little Words
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: unnamed pair
Rating: G
Summary: 'I love you' can be a dangerous phrase...
Warning: *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #10 at writerverse. Prompt: Limerence: an involuntary state of mind resulting from a romantic attraction to another person, combined with an overwhelming need to have one's feeling reciprocated and At the End Is a Doorway, You....
Disclaimer: For the first time, I can say that EVERYTHING about this one is MINE, ALL MINE. Mwahaha!!

She didn't mean to say 'I love you.'

It just sort of... came out of her mouth.

She never intended to say those words, at all.

Not to him, anyway.

Intention or not, she did love him; she does love him. But, he's never looked at her as more than a friend, a sister.

She doesn't even know when she fell in love with him.

But, she said it.

Right to his face.

And every second that passes without him saying anything is painful. She can run through every 'What if'.

What if he didn't hear her? What if he's just trying to figure out an escape route?

She needs to leave, now.

She won't have to wait for him to say anything. He won't have to wait to see what she's going to do.

She doesn't want to look at him.

She just wants to forget she said anything. She wants him to forget.

Maybe he'll just pretend it never happened and they can go back to the way things were.

No, they can't go back.

She might throw up.

She curses herself as she turns away and heads for the door. He calls her name, but she needs to get out.

She can't move fast enough.

Her hand is on the doorknob when he catches her, pulling her back.

-writerverse, oneshot

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