Original: Head, Meet Windshield

Jul 23, 2014 00:02

Title: Head, Meet Windshield [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree and a medic
Rating: PG
Summary: Dree's secret hobby is about to become very public...
Warning: some time after Cracking Point *Written for Weekly Quick Fic #8 at writerverse. Prompt: Shatterglass and Learning Something New from a Family Member, and partially-inspired by THIS conversation, from a few years ago.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Dree didn't remember the vehicle starting to roll. She also didn't remember it bouncing at least twice. When she did finally come to, she was upside down and everything was blurry.

She also had one hell of a headache.

Outside the dune buggy, the emergency crew was already heading for her, and the other vehicles in the race were being routed onto the alternate track.

Dree groaned as the sharp pain coursed through her arm as she tried to reach out for anything solid. "Stay still!" she heard from outside the vehicle, though it was muffled through her helmet. The visor was cracked, but the material was still in one piece.

Forcing herself through the pain, Dree managed to reach up and unclip the helmet, and was glad to be upside down, as it made it easier to get the damn thing off her head. "Can you hear me?" she heard, but didn't respond right away.

Dree wasn't sure if her headache was from the accident or being upside down, but the throbbing was painful. "Ma'am! Can you hear me?" the voice yelled again, this time a bit more forcefully.

"Yes!" Dree managed as she breathed out. "I can... hear you." Closing her eyes, Dree took slow breaths as she heard a clanking sound. She could just close her eyes for a minute...

Your eyes are already closed. Stay awake.

Dree sucked in a breath and forced her eyes open. Suddenly, the pain was stronger. "Ma'am," she heard, and started to turn toward the voice. Next to her, a body appeared, having climbed into the vehicle. The paramedic twisted into a very uncomfortable position, so that he could get a look at her and assess any injuries. "Ma'am," he said again, and held up two fingers. "How many?"

Dree grimaced and closed one eye, simply because it hurt less. "Really?" she asked with a sarcastic tinge.

The young man couldn't help but smile. "Well, you're alive," he told her. "All right, we're going to get you out of here." He started going through the motions of prepping her for extraction.

"Is anyone hurt?" Dree asked. She didn't care about herself - if she died, it wouldn't kill her - but wanted to make sure she hadn't hurt anyone.

"No ma'am," the young man replied as he worked to release her from the safety harness. "Last I heard, they were waving down the other driver to disqualify him." The hit had clearly been intentional, though the officials doubted the driver had expected more than simply running her off the track.

"What's your name?" Dree managed between breaths.

"Bennett, Ma'am," the young man replied, leaning back a moment later as someone passed a brace through the window. He'd already tested Dree's legs, hips, and arms, making sure that she hadn't been paralyzed. Once he was satisfied with the results, Bennett shifted so that he could get the brace around her neck.

"I'm fine," Dree grimaced, trying to pull away from the brace.

"I understand, Ma'am," Bennett replied, "but I have to put this on you before I can get you out of the harness." Bennett turned away, glancing over his shoulder as one of his teammates came in through the window to assist.

"You call me Ma'am one more time," Dree said, in what was honestly an empty threat. At that point, she just wanted to be upright again, because her head was killing her.

"Yes, Ma'am," Bennett replied with a smile. Dree was rolling her eyes in spirit, because thinking about actually doing it hurt. She heard some mention about her right arm, but didn't catch what was said. Based on the numb sensation, though, Dree was fairly certain it was broken.

Her shoulder was simply dislocated, but that didn't lessen the pain any.

"Probably going to have one hell of a knot on your head, Ma'am," Bennett said as he flashed a light in her eyes. Dree gasped at the new level of pain and turned her head away as far as she could, but the brace wasn't giving her much range of motion. Based on the size and location of the dent in her helmet, Dree had clearly hit the roof - and probably the rollbar - when the vehicle bounced.

"Mmm," she hummed, "that why my ears are ringin'?" she mumbled.

"Probably," Bennett smiled. He nodded to his teammate a moment later, and turned himself to prepare for pulling her from the harness.

"Least I won't be able to hear my wife yell at me when she finds out." Dree winced as she felt the harness pull at her shoulder. "Ah..." she gasped at the spark of pain that caused her to see white.

"This is going to hurt," Bennett told her and then nodded to his partner. "On, three, okay?" Dree hummed agreement and tried to slow her breathing down, hoping it would ease the pain. "One.. two..." Bennett twisted again and planted his hand on her back, knowing that there was no way to keep her from dropping without putting more pressure on the injured shoulder.

"Three!" Bennett counted as the other man sliced the harness. Dree didn't realize she had the strength to cry out, but the pain was horrific. Thankfully, she didn't notice it for long, because she promptly passed out.

"Get her leg," Bennett nodded to his friend, leaning back as he pulled Dree toward him. Having her unconscious helped to move her without causing Dree more pain, but it also made her harder to move. Two other medics were leaning in through the broken windshield, and the four men worked together to pull her the rest of the way out.

-writerverse, goldfish

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