Original: Graduation Day

May 21, 2014 23:39

Title: Graduation Day [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Charlie, Liz, and El
Rating: G
Summary: There's a new class of Tin Men in Central City.
Warning: Some time between First Anniversary and Trey's arrival *Written for Wednesday One Image at 1_million_words. Prompt: [this photo]
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

The weather was warm, but that didn't keep proud family members and friends from filling the parade grounds. Lined up just to the side of the raised platform were Central City's newest Tin Men, smiling proudly in their freshly-pressed uniforms and brandishing their newly-earned Tin Man badges.

The training was extensive, but to the young men and women about to take the next step of their careers, it was worth it. A breeze picked up, causing a few of the graduated to have to shift their stances. In the crowd, hands moved to hold hats in place or push stray hairs out of faces.

As the head of the Tin Man force finished an inspirational speech about the history of the law enforcement division, the shortest member of the graduating class was starting to lose interest in staying still.

As his weight shifted and his head started to droop, a sharp whistle echoed over the breeze and a blonde a few rows up in the stands shook her head. Charlie Springer shifted his weight again and let out a huff. It had been a long day; he was thirsty and just wanted to lie down.

The Tin Man next to him moved a hand, giving Charlie a nudge. Charlie lifted his head, stuck his tongue out and huffed again. "We're almost done," his fellow graduate whispered. Charlie shifted his weight once more and, within about a minute, the crowd started applauding.

He straightened and froze, watching to see what everyone else did. At the obvious cheering and celebrating, Charlie let out a decisive bark, then stood up on all fours. Some of his classmates knelt down and started congratulating him, giving him a good scratch behind the ears.

His dedication to training had given many of them the inspiration to work harder.

Many of the graduates started moving to meet family coming down from the stands, but Charlie stayed where he was. Sitting down again, he watched the people and waited. A moment later, the blonde from the stands came into his line of sight and Charlie shot toward her like a rocket.

Liz Springer knelt down, arms open and smiling as he plowed into her. "Look at you, my brave Tin Man!" she said, giving his neck a good scruff. Glancing toward the reception area, she couldn't see El, who had gone in search of some water. Someone moved and Liz caught sight of the brunette, then returned her attention to the dog.

"Elly's getting you some water, bud," she whispered, giving Charlie's muzzle a kiss. El appeared a moment later, kneeling down next to Liz and holding the cup out of Charlie's reach.

"Sit," she warned. Charlie sat on his hind legs and looked from the water to El. She set the cup down in the grass and straightened, then gave Charlie a single nod. He moved right to the cool water and ignored the girls as they admired his Tin Man badge, which had been mounted onto a new leather collar.

"I'm so proud of you," Liz commented, though Charlie wasn't really listening to her. "Following the family tradition," she smiled, running her hands through the fur on his back.

Now, there were two Tin Men in the house.

Charlie -- I'll edit with a better photo once Photobucket comes back

-1-million-words, goldfish

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