Original: Sex Bomb (El, Dree, and Trey) PG

Mar 29, 2013 01:43

Title: Sex Bomb [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: El, Trey, and Dree
Rating: PG
Summary: The morning after the wedding, someone is missing...
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: sex bomb, at bizarra's request, and inspired by THIS image. Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

El rolled over, blinking at the bright sun pouring in through the open window. With a wince and a groan, she tried to burrow into her current pillow, which was Trey. He smiled and put an arm around her, enjoying the feeling of her bare skin under his fingers.

"Morning, Missus Donovan," he teased, as his grin got wider. El grunted and moved her hand to pinch his side, which got a good laugh out of him. At her mumble, he shifted away and looked down. "What?"

El lifted her head, mussed hair and half asleep, and repeated slowly: "It's too damn bright."

Trey reached up and pushed her hair off her face, still smiling. "That's what space blindness does to you, Hotpants," fighting a small yawn, he glanced around the small bungalow and frowned. "Aud?" he called, though there weren't many places she could be, based on the size of the place.

"Some honeymoon," El grumbled as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I'm blind and we lost a wife." Trey laughed and sat up, but kept leaning against El until she fell back on the bed.

"That's more like it," he smirked, straddling her. El made a face and reached up to smack his bare backside. He leaned down to suck on her neck for a moment before pushing up on his fists and looking around the bungalow again. "Aud?" he repeated, glancing down as El lifted her own head, trying to look behind her.

"D?" she called, rolling over underneath Trey's pin. "Move," she ordered, pushing on Trey's arm, so that she could slide out of the bed. As Trey moved off the bed, he reached for his ceremonial wrap and quickly tied it around his waist. El reached for her own wrap and followed him to the small kitchen, where the large window gave them a view of the mystical waterfall.

There was still no answer as they called for the missing member of the newly-married family. El had gone for the shower area, though she hadn't heard any water running, and turned back with a confused look as she found that space empty as well. Trey stuck his head out the door and looked back toward her, but only for a second.

Slowly, his eyebrow went up and he leaned back against the door frame then looked out toward the porch once again. He didn't even try to hide the gawking as his eye ran up and down the full height of his other wife. El moved over to join him, curious as to what he was looking at.

When she saw Dree, even El forgot what she'd been thinking.

Dree was standing on the balcony, hair slicked back from an early-morning swim in the pool at the base of the waterfall, and her own wrap in danger of falling off, entirely. Glancing over her shoulder, Dree gave both of them an extremely seductive glance and, with her wide eyes, turned just enough to show them the torn shoulder strap of her dress, which had been an unfortunate victim in the events of the evening before.

-love_bingo, goldfish

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