Original: Heavenly Love (Glinda and Ira) PG

Mar 27, 2013 12:36

Title: Heavenly Love
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Glinda and Ira (mention of CJ and Dree)
Rating: PG
Summary: It's time for a proper date, for once.
Warning: post-series *Written for Round Three of love_bingo, at gatechic and bizarra's request. Prompt: heavenly love Original titles are wholly unoriginal. Proud to be 'shipping Ira/Glinda since Jan 2012! *for gatechic and bizarra
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

"Oh, this looks lovely," Glinda breathed as she saw the dining room. She turned to the left and looked at Ira. "You did all this, for me?" Ira took her hand and raised it to his lips. Without a word, he moved her hand to his arm and escorted her to the table in the center of the room.

The tablecloth was white, the plates white with a silver trim; the plate warmers were also silver, to match the stems of the wine glasses and the utensils. In the center of the table sat a large vase, full of the reddest blooms the land of Oz had to offer. The napkins were also red, as red was the honored color of Glinda's realm.

"My dear," he offered, pulling the chair out just enough and helping Glinda to sit. Once she was settled, Ira leaned down and pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder.

"I believe you are meant to have dessert after the meal," she stated, though trying to fight a smile.

"There is a saying," Ira smirked as he straightened, "that 'life is short.'" As he stepped around the table, he nodded to Glinda as he reached for the decanter of wine. "'So have dessert, first.'" Glinda rolled her eyes and looked back toward the table.

"You are terrible," she told him with a smile. Ira simply grinned as he moved back to the table. He poured a small amount of the mulled drink into her goblet, then his own.

"Yet, you keep me around," he nodded. The look on her face made him smile even more. He placed the decanter on the table and pulled out his own chair across from her.

"You are going to sit so far away?" Glinda asked innocently. Ira shrugged as Glinda forced a pout.

"Well, you are safer, that way," he said simply. "After all, I do enjoy my dessert." Glinda's eyebrow rose and she sighed.

"In that case, shall we eat?" she asked, waving toward her plate.

Ira's smile grew twice over and he pushed out of the chair. "Absolutely," he agreed. After all, dinner was just the beginning of the night he planned for her. "Now," he announced in a flourished tone, "if you don't like this meal, CJ made it." Once again, the look on her face made him smile. "And if you do like it, I slaved over a stove all day."

"Oh?" Glinda asked as she eyed the plate he was setting in front of her. "Is that why The Celcian Queen was in the kitchen all morning, covered in flour, while the children played outside with CJ?"

As she spoke, Ira's expression went from feigned shock to guilt. With a smile, Glinda reached back and lightly patted his backside. "It looks wonderful, my love." Ira huffed indignantly, though he wasn't denying anything.

As Ira set his own plate down, Glinda gave him a pleading glance. "The flowers are lovely," she nodded toward the bouquet, "but I shouldn't imagine I will enjoy looking past them to see you." Placing a hand on the table, her head inclined. "Please, don't sit so far away."

Ira nodded and stood slowly, raising his glass and plate. He stepped to the side and set his dinner down, then pulled the chair over.

-love_bingo, goldfish

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